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Letter to the Editor

I was so disappointed to read in the Compass* on today that the RCIP has so far had  only 40 traffic tickets issued since the new traffic law’s implementation.  It appears that RCIP Administration is having some difficulty  getting the real…

iLocal News iNotices News Your View

Letter to the Editor

INVITATION FOR THE PREMIER AND THE LABOR PANEL TO FACE THE NATION ON THE JOB CRISIS, THE VICTIMS – OF COURSE “CAYMANIANS ONLY” I think that most of us who call the talk shows and make comments on the news…

iLocal News iOpinion Your View

How unemployed Caymanians can fight back – “it works”

Anonymous 201192, Aug 21, 2012 I’m a Caymanian that is a supporter of full time employment for the Caymanian people in their own country, the Cayman Islands. Some of this brouhaha on the talk shows is a bit disingenuous, as…

iCommunity iFaith iJamaica iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

How do you stand firm in difficult times?

By Carlton Clemmings* The word “stand” means “remain erect’ or “be firm” according to the Concordance Dictionary. According to the Queen’s English, the word “stand” means “to be in an upright position” or “rise to one’s feet; to make resistance,…

iBusiness iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Want to Create Jobs? Spend Money. Don’t sock it away in the Cayman Islands

From the No More Mister Nice Blog Rich people don’t create jobs; they take their tax cuts and sock it away in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. Corporations don’t create jobs; they take their subsidies and profits and hand it…

iCommunity iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

7 of the Most Unhealthy, Cancer-Causing Foods

Let’s face it: it’s challenging to eat all-healthy foods all the time. Sometimes we just want an easy pre-processed meal for a late dinner, while other times we choose to indulge in a junky treat as a comfort food. But…

iCommunity iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iOpinion Your View

Surprising Nutrient Deficiency Linked to Osteoporosis

By Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD* When most people think of osteoporosis, they assume it is caused by a calcium deficiency.  While there’s no doubt that calcium plays a role in the disease, the incidence of osteoporosis is highest in countries…

iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

David Lindsay regrets Cayman Islands refusal to disavow tax haven status

David Lindsay proclaims on his website,, to be: “The pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war voice of an economically social democratic, morally and socially conservative patriotism towards the North of England, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and Christendom. One Nation…

iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Letter on Royal Gazette Online responds to Bush’s attack on Cox

Published Aug 8, 2012 August 7, 2012 Dear Sir, This is a response to Cayman Islands Premier McKeeva Bush’s letter to The Royal Gazette. Who is being antagonistic? Dear Sir, You chastised Bermuda’s Premier Paula Cox for being “antagonistic” towards…

iCommunity iEntertainment iLocal News iOpinion ISports Sports World Your View

Olympians – The True Celebrities

by Fahad Zafar Before the Games began, my interest in sport was smaller than a Chinese gymnast’s bottom, but something curious has happened to me over the past week – I’ve stopped idly flicking through glossy magazines and scowling at…