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Letter to the Editor

From Florence Nozza First Letter SHOCKING DETAILS ABOUT THE OMOV, ONE MAN ONE VOTE The proposed Cayman Islands One Man One Vote System is controversial and has far too many holes and no stoppers. OMOV  will only establish electoral boundaries,…

iLocal News iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor from Dr.Florence Goring-Nozza, D.D

Why are you avoiding the core truth of the political power that will be removed from the hands of our people. Besides hating every government ever elected; The local journalists and talk show hosts are playing footsie with the minds of…

iCommunity iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Worried It’s Alzheimer’s? 8 Symptoms to Watch For

Applying the word “Alzheimer’s” to your parent can be uncomfortable, even if the signs, or symptoms, have been adding up for some time. It’s much easier to gloss over strange behavior: “Oh, Mom’s just getting older.”Or to rationalize: “Well, we…

iCommunity iHealth iLifestyle iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Brown babies need sunscreen. In the Cayman Islands, too! by Heather Hopson

Because of my daughter’s small size, my sister nicknamed her Bean.  When she pulls the laundry—that took an hour to fold—out of the basket, I call her a Bad Bean.  When she hits her cousins in the face, I tell…

iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Friday Toon on the Juanita Jean website receives Cayman Islands award of a “new slogan”.

A BLOGGER (of course) comments: “Today’s cartoon is brought to you by the people of the Cayman Islands whose new slogan will be, “Your Tax Dollars at Play!”  

iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor by Dr. Florence Goring-Nozza, D.D

Anyone that has lived overseas should honestly make every effort protect Caymanians from this dangerous OMOV. Dr. McField a Sociologist should lead the way, and explain why. It’s time politicians  tell the truth and lets see how many of them…

iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor: Anonymous

A NATIONAL VOTE IS WHAT CAYMAN NEEDS Politicians on both sides and center are scared out of their wits to tell Caymanians the gospel truth about OMOV for fear of losing an election for doing so! Here’s what they’re not…

iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Letter to the Editor: by Florence Goring-Nozza

OMOV Computer Scientists and engineers say that “ THERE IS NO TRUE VOTING UP OR DOWN BUTTON ON the Internet!   And that there is always tampering for political reasons. For politicians on news media and other social websites that is…

iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion News Your View

Letter to the Editor: Anonymous

We are not all asleep. There are thousands of Caymanians well aware that something is very wrong with the one man one vote. It’s not as lovely as it sounds. This is numbers and electoral boundaries we’re talking here, and…

iFood iLifestyle iLocal News iOpinion Your View

4 Reasons why bananas kind of suck

Just a few days we published an article from Care2 under the title “15 Surprising Uses for Bananas by Katie Waldeck”. Again from Care2 we publish an article by Eric Steinman* that doesn’t exactly sing their praises: If there is…