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Editors Choice iOpinion Your View

Letters to the editor

The iNews editorial of Wednesday 31st August has a lot of untruths in it. It falsely claims that the PPM “have said “NO” to everything the UDP has proposed”! This is a shocking & untrue statement! The PPM have supported…

Editors Choice iOpinion Your View

Bodden and McLean speak out

The PPM’s motion of a lack of confidence (no confidence) in the UDP Government is a political maneuver. All the issues in that motion are normally debated in the throne and budget speech which debate was just two months ago….

Editors Choice iOpinion Your View

Rev Donovan Myers puts the record straight

I welcome the opportunity to provide some context and [hopefully] clarity to my reported contribution to your papers vox pox entitled “Do Bob Marley songs have a place in Church?” published on 8/29/11.  I am more interested in offering my…