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Letters to the Editor: Further to 22-24 Oct Letter to Editor

We have an update to the anonymous letter we received entitled “Bully Guards at Fairbanks”. The letter brought our attention to the strip search carried out at the Fairbanks women’s prison on 4th Dec. last year. Two officers were disciplined…

iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor: Bully guards at Fairbanks

iNews received a letter in the post marked for my attention containing photocopies of two reports another Cayman newspaper carried concerning a disturbing incident at Her Majesty’s Prison Fairbanks. The note attached to it said simply: “Colin. Love iNews. Why…

Editors Choice iOpinion Your View


Where is the Island that once we knew – and the Caymanian people, the backbone of this place? They lived life happily, peacefully. Theirs was a hard life, but always, they had time to smile, reach out to each other,…

Editors Choice iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir, Recently, for the first time in the long history of the Courts of these Islands, comments have been made publicly which bring into question the integrity of decisions of the Courts. While the great majority of the responses…

iOpinion Your View

To the Editor:

Congratulations to reporter Tad Stoner and iNews on the Rudi Dixon scoop. Tad continues to break important stories and, in many cases, has the other media playing “catch-up.” I have one issue, however, relating to two photographs that accompanied the…

iOpinion Your View

Young Caymanian youths in desperate need of help and assistance

Hello, my name is Adam Mark Ebanks; I am a Caymanian living in the district of George Town.  I am writing to you in the hopes that you feel some compassion for the situation that myself and more young Caymanians…

iOpinion Your View

Your country is begging Don’t take that boy’s life

How did it feel to take his life To rob his Children His Mother, his Wife   To kill a part of all who cared To rob the memories They would have shared   How will you feel Tomorrow or…

Editors Choice iOpinion Your View

The Problem of Reducing Crime

Twelve years ago the prisoners at HM Prison Northward rioted. Part of the reason for this was that the prison was overcrowded. At the same time, draconian mandatory sentences were being advocated, which, of course, would occasion more overcrowding in…

iOpinion Your View

Justice Cooke is entitled to an apology, says QC.

Dear iNews, On the 31st August 2011, after a trial lasting 15 days, Mr. Justice Cooke delivered a reserved judgment consisting of 35 pages in which he found Devon Anglin not guilty of the murder of your year old Jeremiah…

iOpinion Your View

White Paper review

Statement in regards to the 1999 White Paper by the Hon. W. McKeeva Bush, OBE, JP Presented in the Legislative Assembly on the 7 September, 2011 Madam Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to briefly address this Honourable…