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Cayman: Cabinet Post Meeting Summary 8 August 2024

A meeting of the Cabinet was convened on Thursday, 8th August 2024 in the Cabinet Conference Room,
Government Administration Building and was chaired by His Excellency the Acting Governor, Mr. Samuel
Bulgin, KC, JP.

The Hon Minister for Health, Wellness and Home Affairs acted for the Hon Minister for Border Control,
Labour and Culture and the Hon Minister for Planning, Agriculture, Housing, Infrastructure, Transport and
Development, Chief Officer, Mr. Stran Bodden acted for the Hon Deputy Governor and Solicitor General,
Ms. Reshma Sharma acted for the Hon Attorney General. All other Ministers and Members of Cabinet
were present.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 30th July 2024 in accordance with sections 11(5) and
    11(6) of the Public Management and Finance Act (2020 Revision) for supplementary funding of
    CI$574,000 for TP 119 – Community Development Initiatives;
  • Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 1st August 2024 for the re-appointment of the
    following persons to the Health Services Authority Board: Trisha McElroy, Director and Rosie
    Whittaker-Myles, Director;
  • Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 1st August 2024 for the re-appointment of the
    following persons to the Board of Governors of the University College of the Cayman Islands:
    Gilbert McLean, Chair; Jared Awe, Deputy Chair; and Nichelle Scott, Member;
  • Approved the following:
    o In accordance with section 159 of the Companies Act (2023 Revision) for the following
    companies to make application to the Grand Court for restoration to the Cayman Islands
    Register of Companies: AbiG Ltd.; Buccaneer Holdings Ltd.; Greatmicro Logistics
    Techno; Montreaux SPC; Randall Co.; and UC Energy;
    o In accordance with section 37 of the Limited Partnership Act (2021 Revision) for the
    following exempted limited partnerships to make application to the Grand Court for
    restoration to the Cayman Islands Register of Exempted Limited Partnerships: China Gem
    Fund IX L.P. and Dark Pool Limited Partnership;
  • Approved the acquisition of Block 99A Parcel 154 for conservation purposes;
  • Approved the renewal of the lease of office premises for the Cayman Islands Centre for Business
  • Approved in accordance with sections 11(5) and 11(6) of the Public Management and Finance Act
    (2020 Revision) to increase the 2024 fiscal year appropriation for SCR 1 – Policy Administration
    and Ministerial Advice by CI$68,000; to increase the 2024 fiscal year appropriation for SCR 3 –
    Environmental Services and Research by CI$62,700; and to increase the 2025 fiscal year
    appropriation for SCR 3 – Environmental Services and Research by CI$125,400;
  • Approved the issuance of a Coastal Works Permit for the construction of a private, multi-family
  • residential dock adjacent to Block 10A Parcel 243;
  • Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 6th August 2024 for Lease of Land for the Police
    Gun Range;
  • Approved the grant of a peppercorn lease of 2.23-acre part of Crown land Block 15C Parcel 353 to
    the Cayman Islands Basketball Association;
  • Approved the Right to be Caymanian pursuant to section 26(1)(e) of the Immigration (Transition)
    Act (2022 Revision) and the issuance of drafting instructions for the Order and Government
    Motion for ratification by Parliament;
  • Approved the re-appointment of Abraham Thoppil as Commissioner to the Law Reform
  • Approved in accordance with Notaries Public Act (2023 Revision) the appointment of the
    following persons as Notaries Public: Latoya Cover, Petrena Hallwood, Martha Rankine, Benicha
    Tyndale and Angelisa Whittaker;
  • Approved an application for permission to register Articles of Clerkship in accordance with
    Regulation 16(b) of the Legal Practitioners (Students) Regulations (2018 Revision);
  • Reviewed and noted the 21st Annual Report and Statistical Summary of the Financial Reporting
    Authority and authorised the Hon Attorney General to present to Parliament;
  • Approved in accordance with s 29(1)(b) of the Public Management and Finance Act (2020
    Revision) for the publication of the Unaudited Quarterly Financial Report for the six-month period
    ended 30th June 2024 and for it to be tabled in Parliament;
  • Approved refund of import duty to CTMH Doctors Hospital for the importation of medical
  • Approved the issuance of a Cabinet Permit for a prohibited immigrant to temporarily re-enter the
    Cayman Islands;
  • Approved in accordance with sections 11(5) and 11(6) of the Public Management and Finance Act
    (2020 Revision) for supplementary funding for HEA 2 – Medical Care for Indigents to be increased
    by CI$10.3 million for fiscal year 2024;
  • Approved in accordance with sections 11(5) and 11(6) of the Public Management and Finance Act
    (2020 Revision) for supplementary funding for NGS 55 – Tertiary Medical Care at Various Local
    and Overseas Institutions to be increased by CI$21.200 million for fiscal year 2024;
  • Approved request for change of material for a previously approved Coastal Works Permit issued
    for Block 24C Parcel 22 for the construction of a private residential dock;
  • Approved in accordance section 9(5) of the Public Management and Finance Act (2020 Revision)
    the transfer of $2,000,000 from FY 2025 DAT 17 – Tourism Support, Training, Promotional and
    Advertising Activities to FY 2024 DAT 17 – Tourism Support, Training, Promotional and
    Advertising Activities;
  • Noted the Financial Report for the period 1st January 2024 – 30th June 2024 via circulation on 6th
    August 2024;
  • Noted the Cayman Islands’ Consumer Price Index Report: April to June 2024; and
  • Noted the Cayman Islands’ Annual Economic Report 2023.

Published by the Cabinet Office on Thursday, 15th August, 2024.

Guidance Notes:

  1. Post meeting summaries will be published by the Cabinet Office following confirmation of the
  2. Only a summary of the decisions will be published.
  3. Cabinet discussions will not be disclosed.
  4. Summaries of decisions of a sensitive nature, matters of national security, those where publication
    breaches regional or international conventions and those relating to personal privacy will not be
  5. Post meeting summaries will be available on and the Cayman Islands Government’s digital


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