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Cayman Chamber Training Centre offers new courses

Tara Bush, Facilitator for the John Maxwell Leadership Series

George Town, Cayman Islands – [16 August 2024]- The Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce Training
Centre (CTC) is a leading provider of professional training and development in the Cayman Islands. The
Centre offers a wide variety of courses designed to enhance skills and knowledge across multiple
sectors and has been instrumental in equipping individuals and businesses with the skills necessary to
thrive in today’s dynamic business environment. Over the past six months, they have enrolled more
than 400 individuals in various high-quality courses and has been actively engaged in expanding its
offerings in response to feedback from the business community.

“Values and Trust: Leading High-Performance Teams” scheduled for Friday, August 23, is facilitated by
Tara Bush, a gifted communicator and certified trainer in the John Maxwell Leadership Series. This
course explores the pivotal role of values and trust in transforming an average team into a high-
performing powerhouse. The course delves into the essence of leading a values-driven team. It
highlights the importance of core values and trust in achieving exceptional team dynamics and

Sarah Allison, HSM Partner

“This workshop is ideal for leaders, managers, and team members who aim to enhance their
teamwork skills and contribute to a more dynamic, cohesive, and successful team environment,” said
Chamber Training Coordinator Emily Sintorn.

Another John Maxwell course, High Road Leadership, scheduled for Friday 6 September empowers
leaders by enhancing their self-awareness, accountability, and ability to value their team members.

“This interactive workshop provides the tools to assess your leadership level, understand your personal
motivation and communication style, and take accountability for your actions. Attendees gain insights
into their behaviour and how to adapt it to become a more effective leader as they explore the pivotal
role of values and trust in transforming an average team into a high-performing powerhouse,” Sintorn

In Landlord and Tenant Relationship on Thursday 29 August, part of the Chamber’s Legal Assist
Programme, attendees will learn how best to structure an agreement that protects both the landlord
and tenant of a residential or commercial property. They will also learn how to navigate through
breaches of contract.

The course, facilitated by HSM Partner Sarah Allison, is for anyone who is a landlord offering rental
properties in the Cayman Islands or a property management service company. Topics include:

  • Greater understanding of the landlord & tenant relationship
  • Salient provisions of the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision)
  • Pertinent statutory and contractual clauses
  • Breach of tenancy
  • Remedies including forfeiture, possession and distraint

The Grammar Game, on 30 August describes all the essential elements of correct grammar usage, as well as common errors to avoid.

Brian Wilson, (Pictured Right) Facilitator of The Grammar Game

“The Cayman Islands is an international business hub and its written communications travel far and
wide around the world. When someone uses grammar incorrectly, or makes obvious spelling mistakes,
this is viewed either as carelessness or a lack of professional credibility. The Grammar Game will brush
up your English skills and provide tips and techniques for avoiding basic errors,” said Course facilitator,
Brian Wilson

The Chamber invites all members and interested parties to stay tuned for the release of the new
course schedule and to take advantage of the opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. For
more information about the Chamber’s training programmes, please visit our website.; or contact Emily Sintorn on 7439126


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