Cayman: CICG reports busier than normal Sunday water activity

Last Sunday, 28 August, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard reported seeing an increase in number of water related incidents.
CICG officers reported a total of (7) incidents, of which:
-There were (4) instances where vessels were stopped for exceeding (5) knots within 200 Yards of the shore line.
-One marine conservation related offence, emanating from a vessel found to be fishing within a prohibited zone (Marine Park).
-One drug related offence, following an attempt by the operator of a personal watercraft/jet ski to flee from officers, which resulted in the jet ski being recovered and a small porting of ganja recovered.
-One water related accident involving (2) personal watercraft/jet skis, in which injuries were sustained by one person. The injured person was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital for treatment of what were said to be non-life threatening injuries.
Preliminary enquiries do not suggest that alcohol was a contributing factor, but do suggest that one of the operators was riding in a dangerous and unsafe manner. Investigations into the collision are ongoing.
CICG would like to take this opportunity to remind persons to:
-Exercise caution and good judgement when operating jet skis and other vessels on open water and especially when within 200 yards of the shore line.
-To always ensure that vessel speed is no more than 5 knots (no wake should be seen behind your vessel) when less than 200 yards of the shore line.
-To never operate any type of vessel when under the influence of alcohol or any other substance which can impair judgment, vision, or response time.