Cayman: Council of Older Persons Launches Inaugural Ageing Forum Sat Aug 3

The Council of Older Persons will host its first forum on Ageing in the Cayman Islands on Saturday, 3 August at Sir Vassel Hall at the University of the Cayman Islands (UCCI). The forum is free to the public and welcomes persons of all ages. Registration and display booths open at 8:30 a.m. and presentations are slated to begin at 10:00 a.m.
The forum supports the Cayman Islands Older Persons Policy which advocates for the rights of older persons to live with dignity and have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of life. The Council encourages older persons, families, caretakers, vital stakeholders, as well as the business community to attend for what is promising to be a very insightful day
Attendees can expect to discuss topics centered on several themes including Changing Lifestyles and Behaviours of Ageing, Preparing Your Home for Ageing, and Ageing Well in the Community.
Other areas to be addressed are care planning, mental health, financial wellness, dementia and other health conditions, as well as staying active in ageing. Advice on will and estate planning will also be available.
Speakers and presenters at the event will include Honourable Sabrina Turner, Minister for Health and Wellness and Home Affairs; keynote speaker Fiona McDougall, Owner and Director of Healthy Futures Ltd.; Dr Sunku Guptha, General and Geriatric Medicine Specialist, Health City Cayman Islands as well as Alliana Bagtas and Andrenne Gordon, Occupational Therapists at Health Services Authority (HSA).
A knowledgeable team of experts to participate in panel discussions will be Dr Lorna Jackson, HSA; Dr Natalie Sharpe, Palliative Care Physician, Jasmine; Cathy Gomez, Pastoral Counsellor as well as Managing Director & Principle at AIF Corporate Services Ltd, Armando Ebanks.
Premier Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly has expressed her appreciation and satisfaction in the work of the Council towards the delivery of several of the government’s strategic goals including improving quality of life for Caymanians, future proofing to increase resiliency and protecting and promoting Caymanian culture, heritage and identity. “The careful preparation to bring the first Ageing forum to the public is a testament to the hard-work and dedication to the community of the Council of Older Persons. I am proud to have them under my remit and look forward to the positive outcomes from the forum,” she said.
Council Member and lead organiser of the Forum Cassandra Fearon, added “The topics to be covered at the forum can help improve the lives of the ageing community and ensure that younger generations can also age with dignity in the Cayman Islands. The Council hopes the ideas presented for discussion will help to be a catalyst for positive progression. We are grateful to the many Ministry sponsors who are making this forum possible and accessible to the public.”
The Council for Older Persons has underscored the United Nations Report that “the number of people aged 65 years or older worldwide is projected to more than double, rising from 761 million in 2021 to 1.6 billion in 2050. The number of people aged 80 years or older is growing even faster. Population ageing is an irreversible global trend”.
“The Council’s goal with holding its first ever forum, Ageing in the Cayman Islands, is to ensure that no one is left behind in an ageing world,” said Lucille Dell Seymour, Chairperson, Council of Older Persons.
Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided to those in attendance at the forum. For more information visit: