Cayman: DEH temporarily hold on intake of scrap metals and derelict vehicles

Grand Cayman, December 23, 2021 – The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is advising the public that the George Town Landfill will not be accepting scrap metals and derelict vehicles from December 25, 2021 until January 4, 2022.
“We have temporarily suspended the reception of these items into the landfill. The contractor who safely manages the depollution, processing and removal of derelict vehicles and scrap metal from the George Town Landfill will be standing down over the Christmas and New Year holiday period”, explained DEH Assistant Director Solid Waste, Michael Haworth.
Members of the public will still be able to deposit small amounts of scrap metal at the landfill drop off facility which remain in operation 24 hours a day over this period.
The DEH apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this temporary measure and that acceptance of scrap metals and derelict vehicles will resume on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, as normal.
For additional information, please contact the DEH at 949-6696, email us at, visit the DEH’s website at or message our Facebook page at