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Cayman Finishes 4th at J/22 2012 World Sailing Championships

Cayman's J22 World Championship team, Mike Farrington, Tomeaka McTaggart and Matt Diaz

The 2012 J/22 World Championships took place this year in Crouesty Arzon Yacht Club in Brittany, France, from June 26-29 2012 and the Cayman team just missed out of the medals by finishing an impressive 4th place out of 24 boats.

The Cayman Islands were represented by the team of Mike Farrington, Matt Diaz and Tomeaka McTaggart. With conditions ranging from wet and windy to light and fickle, the team’s abilities were tested for all weathers. After a relatively slow start and a few cancelled races due to lack of wind, Team ‘Just Leaving’ got a better understanding of the tidal waters and finished 2nd and 4th on day two of racing.

Day three and four saw the winds getting stronger peaking on the last day at 20+ knots with a large ocean swell coming in different directions, making downwind sailing a fast ride and upwind, very wet and bumpy.

Team 'Just Leaving' execute a smooth mark rounding in the 2012 J22 World Championships

With only two races scheduled on the last day the Cayman team ‘Just leaving’ had a 4th and 3rd, putting them comfortably in 4th position overall, behind Jean Queveau of France and two Netherlands teams in second and third. Mike Farrington said, “It was a great team effort, I would like to thank the Crouesty Yacht Club for their hospitality and hosting a great sailing event.”

Jean Queveau and his French team of Pierre Laouenan, Damien Iehl and Pierre Le Clainche dominated the event with nine first-place positions in 11 races. Teams from France, The Netherlands, Germany and the Cayman Islands participated in the championship, which featured 24 boats and the first five results were as follows:

1. Jean Queveau (France) – 15 points
2. Wouter Kollmann (Netherlands) – 33 points
3. Ivo Kok (Netherlands) – 35 points
4. Mike Farrington Cayman Islands) – 50 points
5. Serge Raphalen (France) – 80 points

In March of 2012, the Cayman Sailing Club held an annual invitational regatta attracting teams from all over the world. A team from Germany skippered by Peter Karrie, reciprocated the Cayman hospitality and helped to support the Cayman team during the regatta. The team is very appreciative of Mr. Karrie, of Karrie Construction, for their assistance as well as the Cayman Islands Olympic Association which donated clothing to sail in and luggage to transport all of the team’s gear to France.

Team ‘Just Leaving’ is looking forward to representing the Cayman Islands at the 2013 J/22 World Championships in Newport, Road Island. Newport is the birthplace of the J/22 and this event, held from October 1-5 2013, will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the class.

For more information please contact Charles Grover, Communications Officer at the Cayman Islands Sailing Club, Tel: 946 3200, Cell: 9260099, Email: [email protected], Web:


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