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Cayman Government Proposes Pilot Summer Stipend for Outsourced School Bus Wardens and Drivers

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands 30 July 2024 –  Last week in the July 2024 Session of Parliament,  Deputy Premier and Minister for Investment, Innovation and Social Development, Hon.  André Ebanks, announced the proposed establishment of a summer stipend programme for bus wardens and bus drivers employed by private entities contracted to provide school bus transportation services to the Cayman Islands Government (CIG) education system.

In his statement, the Deputy Premier highlighted the well-established service of providing bus transportation for primary and high school students, facilitated through a mix of government assets and outsourced services. Private bus companies, engaged for ten months each academic year, have been paid only for the days of service, excluding weekends, public holidays, and vacation breaks. This results in bus wardens and drivers being compensated for approximately 8.75 months annually.

In contrast, civil servants in similar roles receive a fixed salary throughout the entire year.

In view of this longstanding deficiency along with cost-of-living concerns, the Ministry is working on finalising a policy to deliver a summer stipend which will aim to bridge the payment gap during the summer between the pay structures of civil servants and outsourced bus company employees who provide the same essential transportation services for the children of the Cayman Islands.

“Through this summer stipend, we seek to address the deficiency in pay structures and ensure fairness for individuals providing transportation services to our children so they can access education” the Deputy Premier stated. The Ministry is also developing a supporting policy to set parameters for the proposed summer stipend and potentially continue the programme in future years, budget permitting.

About MIISD: The Ministry of Investment, Innovation and Social Development is reimagining social development by supporting and uplifting Cayman’s most vulnerable people with new or revamped services; advancing the digital and innovation capacities of the Cayman Islands; and facilitating investment opportunities that support social development and facilities in the community.


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