Cayman: Government Responds to Tropical Storm Warning

GRAND CAYMAN (GIS) – The National Hazard Management Council met today (Sunday, 4 October 2020) ahead of the potential impact of tropical storm conditions early Monday afternoon (5 October).
Following the meeting officials released further details about the impact of the storm. Weather on Grand Cayman is expected to begin deteriorating from around 1 p.m. on Monday, with the onset of tropical storm conditions at 10 p.m. Monday night.
Areas most likely to feel the brunt of the storm are the east and north sides of the islands. Conditions are expected to dissipate around 9 a.m. but heavy rain expected through Tuesday evening with 3-5 inches of rainfall expected. Sea heights are expected to reach 18-25 feet, with wave action impacting coastal areas, although there is no forecast storm surge.
Vessels in harbor at the port of George Town had already been advised by the Port Authority to seek safe harbor in the North Sound from Friday evening (2 October). The Council decided that the following additional measures should immediately be taken by Government and the public.

- Boat owners should seek to have their vessels either on land or securely moored no later than 10am tomorrow (Monday, 5 October).
- The Red Cross shelter on Huldah Avenue is on stand-by in the event of flooding.
- Needs Assessment Unit is closed from noon on Tuesday (6 October).
- The Port Authority will open the cargo warehouse on Monday morning (5 October) but close at noon to finalise its preparedness measures.
- Persons isolating at home who may need shelter will be moved to Government quarantine facilities.
- All schools are confirmed closed on Monday and Tuesday (5-6 October).
- All Government events on Monday and Tuesday (5-6 October) are cancelled, including Older Person’s Month activities.

In addition Civil Servants who are able to work remotely are advised to do so on Monday, 5 October. A decision is expected to be taken on the closure of civil service offices around mid-day tomorrow.
All private sector businesses whose staff are able to work remotely are encouraged to do the same.
Deputy Governor Franz Manderson who chairs the National Hazard Management Council notes that the Council will be monitoring the situation closely, and taking any necessary steps to protect persons and property. The Council will also provide regular updates on its activities over the next few days.
As such Mr Manderson reminds the public to stay tuned to official sources of information.
For the latest weather information persons should visit Information on severe weather preparedness is available from For details of the Government response visit and stay tuned to local media.Attachments area