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Cayman Island general Election reminders for Candidates and Public

reminderFrom Government Information Services (GIS)

General Election Reminders for Candidates

•          Candidates in the upcoming elections who have yet to appoint agents should do so as quickly as possible, to ensure that those persons are able to take part in planned Elections Office training sessions. Candidates themselves are urged to attend the same training sessions which break down key aspects of the Elections Law. Training dates are April 10 and May 6. Contact 949-8047 for more information.

•          Candidates are also reminded to declare financial interests at the Legislative Assembly immediately, and to submit any Government contracts that they intend to be published in the regular Gazette no later than noon on May 10, 2013, for publication on May 21. The regular Gazette is billed at 65 cents a word. Submissions after this date will appear in the Extraordinary Gazette, which is only published on Wednesdays and Fridays and costs $600 per insertion. For more information individuals should contact the Legislative Assembly at 949-4236 or the Gazette Office 949-8092.

109e4c98ed4232be3891578802e32feda6f95185General Elections Reminders for the Public

•          The list of persons registered to vote in the general elections on May 22, is now available in various public locations around each district, including: libraries, post offices, district health clinics, etc. Voters are urged to review their listing to confirm the polling station where they will be voting on Election Day.

•          Postal ballot applications for persons who will be out of the country, as well as mobile ballot applications for the elderly and shut-ins, should also be made as quickly as possible. The deadline for receipt of such applications is May 9, 2013. Contact 949-8047 for more information.

•          Members of the public are also reminded to contact the Anti-Corruption Hotline at tel. 928-1747 if they see or hear evidence of an elections offence.



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