Cayman Islands Chamber & Ministry of Finance to host Economic Forum
The Hon. Roy McTaggart – Minister for Finance & Economic Development – will deliver the keynote address at the Chamber of Commerce’s upcoming Economic Forum.
The Chamber’s economic forum will provide a key status update on each of the country’s main industry sectors, including positive developments, challenges and an outlook for the medium term.
“My Ministry is delighted to partner with the Chamber in this Forum,” said Minister McTaggart.
“I look forward to a lively discussion and debate on Cayman’s economic performance and the challenges we face.”
Minister McTaggart will provide an overview of the current state of the economy, the Government’s fiscal position, and projections for the economy for the next three years.
“Last year our Growth Matters campaign explained the importance of economic growth and how it could be attained, and we want to continue advocating for sustainable growth,” said President Paul Byles.
“We recently held two breakfast briefings on the financial services and tourism industries, but every so often its important that as a country we take stock of the status of our economy and its medium term future. With the help of industry experts and senior Government officials this event will do just that”.
“We are encouraging members and non members to register early for this event as it is expected to fill up quickly and registration is free” he added.
Representatives from each of the main industry associations will join Minister McTaggart, and each will deliver presentations on the current state of their respective sectors, the challenges they face, and the opportunities they have identified for future growth.
Thus far, Jude Scott (CEO, Cayman Finance), Tony Catalanotto (Treasurer, Cayman Islands Real Estate Brokers Association), and Theresa Leacock-Broderick (President, Cayman Islands Tourism Association) have been confirmed to speak on the financial services, real estate, and tourism industries respectively.
There will be question-and-answer periods after each presentation, and audience members will have the opportunity to ask any burning questions, or for clarification on any points raised during the presentations.
The Economic Forum will take place at the Kimpton Seafire Resort & Spa from 12:30 PM on Thursday, May 24.
Seating for the event is limited, so register today by clicking here.