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Cayman Islands Chamber Pension Plan Board strengthened by new Trustee

NicoleMakkinAccounting professional Nicole Makin was recently voted in as a new volunteer Trustee on the Chamber Pension Plan Board, representing the Hospitality & Tourism Employee sector.

Ms Makin moved to Cayman in 2005 where she worked for the Hyatt Regency Grand Cayman as Credit Manager, now Grand Cayman Beach Suites. Since 2008, she has held the role of Financial Controller.

“It’s a great honour to be appointed as Trustee to the Chamber Pension Plan Board and I’m very much looking forward to working alongside my fellow trustees in the coming years,” Ms Makin said.

Eduardo Silva, Chairman of the Board of Trustees said he is delighted to welcome Ms Makin to the Board.

“Ms Makin brings with her a wealth of experience, not only within the accounting field but also within the field of hospitality, offering skills and experience that are multi-faceted,” Her management skills, coupled with her financial services background and broad understanding of the hospitality industry will be an asset when serving the Chamber Pension Plan Board.” he said.

The Chamber Pension Plan Board of Trustees is made up of 9 Trustees who serve on a voluntary basis for 3 years and are active members in the business community covering a variety of industry sectors.

For more information about the Chamber Pension Plan, please visit

Photo Caption, Nicole Makin, Financial Controller, Grand Cayman Beach Suites & Chamber Pension Plan Board of Trustee representing the Hospitality & Tourism Employee sector.


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