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Cayman Islands DCI reminds liquor licence holders to renew

Liquor licence holders – including those with music and dancing licenses – are reminded of the upcoming Annual Liquor Licence Meeting to be held September 13th, 2018. The deadline for applications is August 24th, 2018.

Licensees are reminded before they can apply for renewal; the premises must be inspected and approved by the relevant Government agencies. Depending on particular business being carried on, these inspections may include the Fire Service, Department of Environmental Health, Planning Department, and/or Port Authority.

To assist with the liquor licence renewal process, below are contact details for the various Departments to arrange for inspections:

The Planning Department: Inspections must be conducted by private licensed plumbers and electricians. These inspection reports can then be presented to the Planning Department at its counter on the 1st floor of the Government Administration Building or submitted online at

The Department of Environmental Health: Contact the department directly at 949-6696 or email for information or to schedule an inspection; alternatively you visit the department at 580 North Sound Road, George Town. In Cayman Brac, contact the DEH Office at 916-4201.

The Department of Environmental Health would like to assure the public that they will respond in an appropriate and timely manner to requests.

The Fire Service: The department suggests that inspections are booked using the Online Planning System (OPS) Alternatively, you may call or email a specific inspector directly, if so preferred. Applicants are required to have their annual servicing and maintenance reports for all necessary fire protection systems available. The applicable reports will be required to be submitted to the department for review and consideration prior to the scheduling of the inspection.

Inspectors’ Names and Contact Information:

Mr. James Bodden 345-936-2226

Mr. Darnely Scott 345-916-0429

Mr. Brevon Elliott 345-938-8038

The Port Authority: Vessel inspection requests and fees should be made at the Port Authority location at 45A, Harbour Drive, George Town. All queries can be directed to 949-2055 or email or

Police Clearances can also be requested and paid for at the business licensing counter of the Department of Commerce & Investment at the time the renewal applications are being submitted.

Variations: Any desired change to a licence’ s (a) licensee; (b) the location of the licensed premises; (c) the licensed premises by making addition or alteration; (d) the specified hours; (e) the category of licence; or (f) any condition imposed requires a variation. Variation applications must include all relevant documents, approvals and payment.

Licence Category and Permitted Hours: Please carefully review licence categories and the permitted hours given below to ensure that all applications are made for the correct category as per your business activity.

Licensees must submit all applications including inspection approvals, along with all other supporting documents at the Business Licensing Counter on the 1st floor of the Government Administration Building. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

The deadline to submit applications is August 24th. All applications received by the deadline will be considered at the Liquor Licensing Board’s annual meeting on September 13th 2018.

Application forms can be downloaded from the Department of Commerce and Investment’s website For more information, contact Shelise Jeffery on 244-2202 or Samone Morgan at 244-2097. For Sister Islands operations, please contact Lolita Bodden at 948-2400 or Dave Tatum at 244-4401.


IMAGE: liquor banner


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