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Cayman Islands former premier rejects new corruption allegations

McKeeva-BushFrom FOX NEWS

GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands – The former premier of the Cayman Islands who faces charges in a corruption probe is denying allegations that he donated $1 million to a Caribbean university to obtain an honorary PhD.

McKeeva Bush said in a statement late Friday (see below) that he knows nothing about a donation to University College of the Caribbean in Jamaica as alleged in local media reports.

He notes that police arrested him a day before he was scheduled to travel and receive the honorary degree.

In March, authorities accused Bush of misusing a state credit card and other offenses and charged him with five counts of theft, four counts of breach of trust and two counts of misconduct in public office. He denied he did anything wrong in that case and said the investigation was politically motivated.

For more on this story go to:


I have seen on Cayman News Service of the 17 May 2013, a report relative to a donation made to the UCC Foundation in Jamaica which donation was returned to its originating source in New York   I know nothing about the reported donation and this is the first time I am hearing about it.

As everyone with a fair and open mind would by now have realised, the Governor and the Commissioner of Police, Mr. David Baines, carefully orchestrated my arrest for having books in my home office the day before I was to go to Jamaica to receive an Honorary PHD. This was no coincidence!!

The report in relation to the donation, of which I know nothing about, is part of a continuing campaign by the Governor, those in opposition to me and others, to influence the outcome of the upcoming election, which campaign has been continuing for over 4 years with numerous reports of investigations.

As the report in the Caymanian Compass of 15 May 2013 of the former Auditor General’s, Dan Duguay, statement at a recent conference in Miami held by OffShore Alert (an organization which is run by one person and has launched a number of spurious articles and criticisms of Cayman and other offshore centres over the last 10 years) indicated, “From 2004 to 2010 I have seen many officials who used credit cards for personal usage.         In these cases, the money was paid back”.            The Governor and the opposition, in their joint campaign and numerous statements which have been issued over the last 4 years, have not seen fit to advise the public that the personal usage of credit cards was not unusual, as indicated by Mr. Duguay.         They have not indicated that the personal usage on the credit card issued to me was fully paid back by me and that the Finance Officers in my Ministry checked the credit cards and advised on the repayment for any personal usage. The use of the credit card issued to others and me was not illegal and every statement accompanying the usage of any credit cards from their issuance has a clear record of all the usages by persons who hold the cards.  The bank statements accompanying each card record all the usage. This was never a secret.  Despite this, I have been singled out while others are still making scheduled repayments for their personal usages.

The report of the donation which appears in Cayman News Service and of which I know nothing about and the suggestions by Cayman News Service that there are further investigations is a continuing part of the campaign to interfere in the Democratic process and intended to influence the outcome of the elections which are to be held next Wednesday.  It is well known that Cayman News Service is closely connected with the Governor’s Office, the Office of the Commissioner of Police and other political candidates opposed to myself and the UDP and it should be evident that they will stop at nothing.  I have no doubt that if they could, they would eliminate me altogether from the election process.

As I have said before, I have not done anything wrong or illegal in relation to any of the spurious charges which have been brought against me and they will be rigorously defended and I have no doubt of my innocence and that justice will prevail.  Despite these continuing efforts, the UDP and myself will continue to put forward our plans and proposals to create full employment, an inclusive society, a vibrant economy in which opportunities for Caymanians to enjoy a high standard of living and be able to pay their mortgages, light bills, and educate their children will be available to all.

I wish to congratulate the Governor on his promotion from Governor of the Cayman Islands, to Ambassador for the United Kingdom in Mexico, the world’s 8th largest economy and wish him and his family all the best   I also wish to congratulate the Commissioner of Police on his new four year contract, a precedent for the Cayman Islands and wish him and his family all the best, and hope that he will concentrate on making Cayman a safe and enjoyable place for its citizens and visitors

As we move towards Wednesday, with overwhelming support of the people, we should all bear in mind that the combined opposition has clearly indicated that they will stop at nothing in their efforts to win this election.   I ask for your continued prayers for each other and the country as a whole, and myself and my family as we face an important election. I trust that Almighty God will guide us all through these difficult times and look forward to working together with you and having your continuing support as we come close to the very important Election Day May the Good Lord bless you all.

Dated this 17th day of May 2013

See attached copy of original document

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