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Cayman Islands government clarifies Sunday Trading Law exemptions

frontThe Ministry of Commerce is providing more clarity for commercial entities operating on Sundays with The Sunday Trading Order (2015), which was gazetted by Cabinet this month.
The Order amends existing legislation by adding more types of businesses to the list of exempted activities in the Schedule to the Sunday Trading Law (2014 Revisions). The revised roster names 14 exceptions to the law, including tourist-related establishments, beauty salons, restaurants and movie theatres.
The new legislation was approved by Cabinet on 12 May and was gazetted on 15 May. In creating the order, Cabinet took into account the results of a public consultation report issued in late February. Local residents were asked for their input on liberalising the previous Sunday Trading Law last August and the conclusion was most people wanted to see changes to the law.
Commerce Minister Wayne Panton said the legislation seeks to stimulate the local economy by offering more opportunities for business.
‘This order is in line with other Government measures to encourage, support and positively impact economic activity,’ he said. ‘A number of considerations were taken into account including the competitiveness of local retailers; consumer flexibility and choice; religious beliefs; and family life in the Cayman Islands.
‘We listened to the views of the general public and all key stakeholders and developed appropriate legislation for Sunday Trading. Ultimately, the law is about boosting commerce and maintaining our place as a top global choice for all types of businesses’


Supplement No. 1 published with Extraordinary Gazette No. 36 dated 15th May, 2015.




In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(2) of the Sunday Trading Law

(2014 Revision), the Cabinet makes the following Order –

1. This Order may be cited as the Sunday Trading Order, 2015.

2. The Sunday Trading Law (2014 Revision) is amended by repealing the

Schedule and substituting the following Schedule –


(Section 6)

Premises Not Subject to the Law

1. Businesses involved in the provision of goods and services primarily to tourists, including establishments selling souvenirs and duty-free items, tourist accommodations, watersports operators, golf courses and businesses involved in sightseeing activities.

2. Druggist shops and dispensaries

3. Restaurants.

4. Retail businesses involved primarily in the sale of food items and beverages, where such an establishment is less than 4,000 square feet.

5. Hairdressing and beauty salons.

6. Airline and shipping offices.

7. Establishments for the sale of motor fuel or oils, in relation to the sale of those items.

8. Motor vehicle repair shops or service stations, in relation to the sale of those items and of spare parts for motor vehicles.

9. Establishments governed by any Law for the time being in force in the Islands regulating the sale of intoxicating liquor, in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquor.

10. Establishments engaged in the sale or supply of funeral caskets or flowers, in relation to the sale or supply of those items.

11. Establishments for the sale of victuals, stores or other necessaries required for a ship or aircraft on arrival at or immediately before departure from a port or airport in the Islands, in relation to the sale of those item

12. Establishments concerned in the rental of motorcars, motor-cycles or bicycles, or in the rental or charter of boats, in relation to such rentals or charters.

13. Establishments concerned in the provision of such essential services as may be prescribed by the Cabinet by Order.

14. Establishments engaged in the conduct of public cinematographic exhibitions, in relation to the exhibition, on Sundays between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and midnight.”.

Made in Cabinet the 12th day of May, 2015.

Kim Bullings

Clerk of the Cabinet



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