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Cayman Islands join World No Tobacco Day that will focus on illicit trade

mblast_2015_week3wntdCountries around the world will jointly observe World No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2015.

Coordinated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), this year’s focus: Stop illicit trade of tobacco products, is supported by Article 15 of the World Health Organisation’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

According to WHO, most countries are subject to illicit trade in some form or another. Officials say such trade accounts for as much as one in every 10 cigarettes consumed globally. They further argue that illicit trade contributes to corruption and weakens good governance.

The Cayman Islands is already party to the FCTC, which requires participating countries to focus on strategies for reducing demand, as well as supply issues.

To this end the Tobacco Law 2008, imposed product regulation and licensing compliance requirements for dealers in tobacco products, including prohibiting the sale of such products except in packages as prepared by the manufacturer.

Describing local legislation as comprehensive, the Premier and Minister of Health, Hon. Alden McLaughlin, notes “We take pride in the fact that the Cayman Islands are one of the first countries in the Caribbean to enact anti-tobacco legislation ensuring a smoke-free environment for all our residents.

“Most residents and visitors act within the spirit of the Law. I also encourage all registered tobacco dealers and businesses to ensure their full compliance with the Law” the Premier remarked.

As part of the activities for World No Tobacco Day, the Public Health Department has organised another “I can quit” tobacco cessation programme. The next session in the series commences 3 June, and will run for seven weeks on Wednesdays at the Public Health Department from 5.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m.

This programme accommodates up to 20 participants who wish to quit smoking; the deadline to apply is Friday, 29 May 2015.

Globally, the tobacco epidemic kills nearly six million people each year. This is currently equivalent to one in 10 adult deaths world-wide. Of these more than 600,000 are non-smokers dying from inhaling second-hand smoke.

By 2030 without prompt international action the epidemic will kill more than eight million people every year. More than 80% of these deaths will be among people living in low-and middle-income countries.

Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death globally.

For more information on World No Tobacco Day, contact Therese Prehay in the Public Health Department on 244-2632.


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