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Cayman Islands: National Operations Centre at GAB makes sense

From Cayman Islands Ministry of Home Affairs

GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands – Conference room space on the second floor of the Government Administration Building is being reconfigured to provide space for the National Emergency Operations Centre in the event of a disaster; the space will be serve as an offsite recovery centre for 911 operators in the event they need to evacuate the existing 911 offices.

The cost will be about $22,000 for renovations and approximately $100,000 in equipment and furniture, instead of the multimillions of dollars that would be needed for a standalone centre, and while more economical, is also a pragmatic use of space in GAB where Hazard Management and the Ministry of Home Affairs, of which Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin is Minister, are already positioned.

It is expected work on the reconfigured space will be complete in August 2015 and will give emergency personnel more than adequate work space in the event of a disaster or emergency. The new, more efficient and modern space, will replace NEOC’s headquarters at the Central Fire Station at Owen Roberts International Airport and give the 35-40 NEOC staff members more comfortable and adequate quarters if and when they are needed.

After reviewing plans to build a standalone structure, Government determined that the best use of the public’s money would be to have emergency facilities that are purpose built and ready, if and when needed.

The reconfigured GAB space will not sit unused when emergencies are not being experienced, but instead will continue to offer places for meetings and training.

Refitting available space at the GAB, which will soon be at 85 per cent capacity, is a better alternative to the Fire Department and does not require new construction, which would have been costly at a time when Government is keenly aware of its needs to keep expenses down.

Government will continue to find ways to use available space and remain fiscally prudent.


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