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Cayman Islands: Planning to drive in Canada?

From the Cayman Islands Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing

Anyone seeking to drive in Canada (new immigrants as well as returning Canadians who have lived outside their country for some time), must have an official driving record of their time in the Cayman Islands before they will be issued (or re-issued) a Canadian driving license.

To get this document locally, the driver must obtain an official letter from the Cayman Islands Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL). The processing period is three working days.

The Canadian Licensing Authority will not issue a Canadian driver’s license without this letter, which outlines the driver’s license history in the Cayman Islands. It costs CI$75.00 (US$91.46), and can be paid to DVDL by cash, cheque, debit or credit card. (Cheques must be drawn on a local bank and made payable to Cayman Islands Government, and only MasterCard or Visa credit or debit cards are accepted).

Additionally, a traffic record is required if the driver has any driving convictions. This is available from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service’s Criminal Records Office on Walker’s Road (call 945-4924 or 645-4924).

Obtaining these documents will take longer and cost significantly more once a person has relocated to Canada.

For additional information, contact Mrs. Elmie Cacho at the DVDL (945-8344 or 244-5513).




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