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Cayman Islands police traffic operation in North Side nets speeders inc. DUI arrests

PC Grant Makes Traffic StopFrom Royal Cayman Islands Police Service

For the past few weeks Bodden Town police officers have been targeting speeding motorists in North Side on weekends. For the period from 31 August to 15 September, they issued 69 speeding tickets, 57 tickets for other traffic offenses (failing to wear seat belts, expired registration and no insurance) and arrested three motorists on suspicion of driving under the influence.

The officers are careful to keep motorists guessing, by patrolling in different places at different times on the weekends, and they say their operation will continue. They will focus on other areas as well as other times of the week, they add, in response to speeding problems identified by residents.

“The main objective of traffic enforcement is not to issue as many tickets as possible, contrary to what many may think,” said Chief Inspector Brad Ebanks, Commander for the Eastern Districts, “the main objective is to create a deterrent effect on speeding and dangerous behavior, all the time; so that motorists think, while they’re driving, that at any point they could be caught so they had better slow down – or not drive at all, if they have been drinking.”

Officers say that they already notice some change in motorists’ behavior on weekends in Northside since traffic operations in the area began. According to Inspector Dwayne Jones, “we’re seeing less of the reckless behavior we encountered in early August.”

Increased traffic enforcement in Northside specifically and the Eastern districts was a clear priority expressed by the community in surveys and during Community Clinics the RCIPS held all over the islands earlier this year. The RCIPS has responded with increased traffic operations over the summer and will begin other initiatives this fall.

Picture Caption: PC Harvel Grant issues a ticket during a traffic stop on Rum Point Road.

SOURCE: Jacqueline Carpenter PRO


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