Cayman Islands police traffic unit warns against vehicles travelling with unsafe loads
The RCIPS Traffic and Roads Policing Unit is reminding the public that operating vehicles carrying unsafe loads is against the law. What this means is that any load being carried by a vehicle, for example equipment being carried in the rear of a pickup truck, must be secured in such a manner as to prevent it from being dislodged or falling from the vehicle, or striking other persons or property. This also applies to any passengers travelling in the vehicle. In addition, passengers should not travel in the backs of pickup trucks or similar vehicles.
Section 17 of the Traffic Regulations (2017 Revision) states that it is illegal for any vehicle to carry more passengers than specified by the manufacturer or stated in the vehicle’s registration.
“Such practices are not only illegal, but also quite dangerous,” said Chief Inspector Everton Spence, who oversees the TRPU. “Fallen objects can create road hazards and cause major collisions, either by striking other vehicles directly or causing drivers to have to quickly swerve to avoid them. Meanwhile, the danger posed by passengers riding unsecured in the backs of trucks should be obvious. Any sudden movement can send those passengers flying.”
Below are some examples of unsafe loads that have recently been observed on Cayman’s roads.
The TRPU is increasing enforcement of these violations this week and throughout the coming weeks. If you are found breaking this law you are liable to a $400 fine or 6 months in prison.