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Cayman Islands’ Premier announces National Waste Management strategy

Premier Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP, MLA-1
Statement to Legislative Assembly on National Solid Waste

Management Strategy

By Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP, MLA

23 October, 2015

Madam Speaker, I table in this Honourable House today a draft of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy, which will go out for public consultation on Monday, 26 October, 2015. The draft strategy contains future waste management options that will be considered to develop an integrated solid waste management system for the Cayman Islands.

The purpose of the Strategy is to provide key policies and objectives for the future management of solid waste and the delivery of an Integrated Solid Waste Management System within the Cayman Islands. It also identifies important steps and actions that will be taken to deliver the system and in so doing, address the current unsatisfactory landfill situation. These actions will be targeted to improve the sustainability of all waste management practices, make increased use of waste as a resource, and ensure the protection of the environment and amenity of the Islands.

This draft strategy has been based on the agreed National Solid Waste Management Policy, which set forth our vision, values, strategic direction and objectives to suitably manage solid waste in the Cayman Islands for now and generations to come. The final Policy was published in August this year following a period of public consultation.

In developing the draft Strategy, options for change and improvement in the way that waste is managed on the Islands have been appraised.

These options cover a variety of areas ranging from recycling depots to the treatment of the residual waste that remains after recycling. These collectively contribute to the enhanced sustainability of waste management practices; waste reduction; increased reuse and recycling; the recovery of energy from residual waste; substantially reduced dependence on increasingly expensive and unsustainable landfills; protection of the environment; self-sufficiency as far as this is pragmatically deliverable; and the principle that the polluter pays.

The options analysis has also helped in the development of a reference project, which includes waste management options that have been assessed as having the most potential for fulfilling the policy direction and which are likely to be successful within the Cayman context – including an affordable and achievable solution that is right for the country.

In summary, the reference project comprises:

 Waste reduction measures, including public education and waste reduction.
 Re-use and refurbishment of bulky waste.

 Community recycling depots and recycling facilities.

 Transfer and bulking facilities on each Island.

 Composting of yard and garden waste.

 The potential introduction of curbside recyclable collections.

 And the treatment of residual waste in a waste recovery plant.

Madam Speaker, as I mentioned, this Strategy will go for public consultation on Monday until the end of November. Open house sessions are planned by the Ministry of Health for the week of 16
November to meet with members of the public and get their feedback and comments, after which the Strategy will be finalized.

The next phase calls for the development of the Outline Business Case, which guides final decisions for the creation and successful implementation of the Integrated Solid Waste Management System for the country.

Madam Speaker with the tabling of this draft Strategy we continue to make progress toward a real solution to the country’s waste management challenges. We are following the required process, but yes we are making progress. As I have said before, the process may appear slow, but it is sure. This, Madam Speaker, is an important milestone.

And so, Madam Speaker, while it has taken us a while to get to the point we are today, we are here. I am equally confident that the progress will continue steady and sure and that we will provide the country with a waste management system that is second-to-none, which will serve our needs far into the future.

Madam Speaker, as I keep saying, reaching this benchmark and the tabling of this draft strategy is even further evidence that this is a progressive Government that gets things done.

With these few words, Madam Speaker, I commend this draft National

Solid Waste Management Strategy to the House and look forward to receiving comments and suggestions from the Honourable members of this House, our people and residents during the consultation period.


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