Cayman Islands Premier statement to LA re revelations on immigration officials, police officer, prison officer and his own political assistant
Statement to the Legislative Assembly
By Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP, MLA
8 December, 2014
Madam Speaker,
We will all have seen, read or heard in the media recently of unfortunate circumstances surrounding the Department of Immigration, the Prison Service and Royal Cayman Islands Police Service
While I do not want to get into specifics, it has been noted that two top Immigration Department officials are on paid suspension and a third faces charges before our Court system next year.
Madam Speaker, we are also facing some pressing issues within the prison service and again, while I will not go into detail, it has been widely reported that a prison officer placed on required leave and has now resigned following an investigation concerning allegations of a previous criminal conviction. That revelation came on the heels of the shocking news that a former RCIPS officer had been convicted of murder in Jamaica.
And it is with a heavy heart that I have to report that my own political assistant has had to be placed on required leave as he faces charges in court.
As I have stated in the press, these issues cause me great concern, but I am satisfied that the appropriate actions have been taken in each instance and I expect that the investigations will be carried out thoroughly and efficiently.
Madam Speaker, I want to assure this Honourable House and the country that the Progressives-led Administration is doing all that it can to continue to restore and maintain the good name of the Cayman Islands and in so doing will dig deep when allegations are made of wrong doing. Placing our employees on administrative leave in no way implies their guilt of any accusation. It is a formality to protect them and the integrity of each investigation.
This Government will continue to take seriously and investigate any and all reports of maladministration and misconduct. If we cannot restore the faith of all in the Cayman Islands, then we have failed to do what was mandated of us in the polls in May 2013.
Thank you.