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Cayman Islands Red Cross launches Nepal earthquakes appeal

11235923_980975618581325_700593649_nTwo weeks after the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal just west of Kathmandu, a second earthquake has hit the eastern part of that nation near the town of Namche, close to Mount Everest. The second earthquake, which struck around noon on May 12th, is reported to have had a magnitude of 7.3.

While assessments are currently underway to identify the extent of the damage of this second earthquake, the country was already overwhelmed dealing with the devastation caused by the first quake. The death toll caused by the first quake has already surpassed 8,000 persons. Over 17,000 people had been confirmed injured and approximately 370 persons have been reported as missing prior to the second earthquake. The United Nations estimate that as many as eight (8) million people have been affected by the first earthquake, with as many 2.8 million Nepalese having been displaced.

“The devastation caused by the April 25th earthquake was extensive, and to have a second earthquake of nearly equal magnitude a mere two weeks later is unthinkable,” states Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) Director Jondo Obi. “The Nepalese Red Cross has been receiving assistance- financial as well as manpower support- from the International Federation of the Red Cross as well as key national societies such as the British Red Cross since the first earthquake struck. The Red Cross Movement is committed to assisting the people of Nepal and this second quake has only strengthened our resolve to continue to do so,” she adds.

The Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) launched a formal Nepal Earthquake Appeal which will collect financial contributions during the entire month of May to help assist the most vulnerable persons affected by earthquakes in Nepal.

At the CIRC’s annual local fundraising gala held on May 9th, the CIRC got the ball rolling by pledging half of all raffle ticket sales for that night to the Nepal appeal. “Our annual gala is what keeps our work going here in Cayman,” explains Mrs. Obi. “We had to cancel this very event last year, so our finances have been tight. However, there is always something that can be done and so we thought it important to encourage people to continue to support our work, here at home and abroad, and to help us kickstart this appeal,” she adds.

The appeal is a monetary appeal only and the local chapter will not be collecting any goods, clothing or other supplies to send to the affected area. “Our community is very generous, so it’s important for us to remind everyone that we will only be asking for financial contributions and we will not be looking to send any form of goods to Nepal,” explains Deputy Director Carolina Ferreira. “As donors we want to ensure that our donations are relevant and truly needed by the affected community, and as needs change quickly in these situations we know that monetary donations allow those on the ground to ensure that they have the flexibility to meet those needs. While cleaning out our closets or collecting water may give us a feeling of greater involvement, it’s often extremely difficult and costly to coordinate the transport of such items to disaster zones, but more importantly these unsolicited goods often times hinder the operations on the ground because it creates logistical nightmares for those who have to clear those goods, figure out a way to transport it and store it,” she adds.

Funds raised by the Cayman Islands Red Cross are sent to the larger international appeal that is set up by the International Federation of the Red Cross, which all National Societies and Overseas Branches contribute towards. The funds are used to support the work on the ground in numerous ways, most notably the large scale procurement process that is undertaken to provide key emergency supplies and shelter to thousands of vulnerable persons.

“With assistance from the funds raised by local Red Cross chapters and societies, the Nepalese Red Cross has already been able to distribute nearly 30,000 tarps and family tents, over 100,000 oral hydration salts, over 240,000 water purification tables and nearly 45,000 bars of soap, among numerous other things,” explains Ms. Ferreira.

Persons wishing to donate to the CI Red Cross Nepal Earthquake Appeal can contribute directly at Butterfield Bank account number 136035054-00-60 or by coming by the CIRC Administrative Offices on the first floor of Cayman Corporate Centre on Hospital Road. For more information, please contact [email protected] or 916-1742.
IMAGE: Nepal Instagram


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