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Cayman Islands will be celebrating PEACE on 21 Sep 2012

In 1999, Jeremy Gilley founded Peace One Day, a non-profit organization, and in 2001 Peace One Day’s efforts were rewarded when the member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted the first ever day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September annually – Peace Day.

“I urge everyone, between now and 21 September, to think about how they can contribute. Let us work together to ensure that the Road from Rio leads us to sustainable development, sustainable peace… and a secure future for all.”UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

This year, world leaders, together with civil society, local authorities and the private sector, will be meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to renew political commitment to long term sustainable development.

It is in the context of the Rio+20 Conference that “Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future” is the theme chosen for this year’s observance of the International day of Peace.

There can be no sustainable future without a sustainable peace. Sustainable peace must be built on sustainable development.

The root causes of many conflicts are directly related to or fuelled by valuable natural resources, such as diamonds, gold, oil, timber or water. Addressing the ownership, control and management of natural resources is crucial to maintaining security and restoring the economy in post-conflict countries.

Good natural resource management can play a central role in building sustainable peace in post-conflict societies.

The International Day of Peace offers people globally a shared date to think about how, individually, they can contribute to ensuring that natural resources are managed in a sustainable manner, thus reducing  potential for disputes, and paving the road to a sustainable future, the “Future We Want“.

By 2007 – 100 million people have been active on Peace Day (source UNDPI).


Peace Day 2008 – UN Department of Safety and Security recorded a 70% reduction in violent incidents in Afghanistan on Peace Day.

Peace Day 2010 – WHO/UNICEF/Afghan Ministry of Public Health vaccinated over 50,000 children and women in 23 locations against all vaccine-preventable diseases. They also launched a nationwide polio campaign targeting 8 million children across Afghanistan.

And here in the Cayman Islands…….

This will be the first time the Cayman Islands has been involved in this Day of Peace.

The Cayman Islands Family Resource Centre (FRC) staff has already been seeking public feedback on ways to promote peace throughout our islands over the weekend and this week. Their aim is to make a video of the comments that will be shown at the Peace Day event at Dart Park on Friday 21st Sept.

To promote national cohesion and unity or to participate in Peace Day celebrations, schools and community organisations are encouraged to provide an artistic representation of peace, which could be through visual or performance arts. Such representations will also be displayed at the event.

“Education about non-violence should start at home, so it is important that we teach our children alternatives for dealing with violence,” said Department of Counselling Services (DCS) Programme Coordinator Miriam Foster. “The effect of persons at peace with themselves can radiate to families, organisations, villages, and most of all, society. “Promoting the general welfare of this country is the way to go in order to encourage others to share the hopes and aspirations of Peace Day. So let us all think peace, act peace and be at peace as we work towards building a better community.”

“Let us use this day to commit to making peace not just a priority, but a passion,” said DCS Director Judith Seymour. “Let us pledge to do more wherever we are, in whatever way we can, to make this day and every day, a day of peace.”

To take part in the video, become a sponsor or perform for the event, contact the Family Resource Centre at 949-0006

For the full story of the Cayman Islands participation in Peace Day that appeared in iNews Cayman on Aug 30th go to:


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