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Cayman: MOE & DES Conclude Successful Summer School 2024 Catch-Up Programme

The Ministry of Education (MOE) and Department of Education Services (DES) are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of their expanded Summer School 2024 Catch-Up Programme. The three-week initiative designed to help students bridge learning gaps and achieve academic success, has made significant strides in supporting student learning.

Building on last year’s foundation, the programme expanded its scope to include Year 4, 5, and 6 students requiring additional support in English and Mathematics. Approximately 280 students benefited from the programme, which operated across seven hub sites, including Sir John A Cumber, Joanna Clarke, Spot Bay, Red Bay and East End Primary Schools as well as John Gray and Clifton Hunter High Schools. 

DES Director Mr. Mark Ray shared his observations about the programme which commenced on 8 July and ended today. ” We have seen encouraging progress over these three weeks. The interactive learning experiences appear to have positively impacted our students’ confidence and competence. We anticipate significant gains in achievement as these students enter the new school year better equipped to tackle academic challenges. We are also excited about the long-term impact of this programme. Over time, we expect to see significant benefits as we continue to support our students and mitigate against learning loss that may occur over the summer.”

Programme Highlights

  • Focused Academic Support: Intensive intervention sessions in reading and mathematics tailored to meet individual student needs and address specific learning gaps using Read Write Inc. Fresh Start, On Track English, and Math Whizz which includes adaptive technology.
  • STEM: Through the group STEM activities, students will have the opportunity to develop essential interpersonal skills, such as communication, collaboration and leadership. These skills are crucial for their overall growth and success, both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Qualified Instructors: Experienced teachers who specialise in primary or secondary education and are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential.
  • Small Class Sizes: Limited class sizes to ensure personalised attention and a supportive learning environment.
  • Extended Learning Activities: Opportunities to extend and authenticate learning throughout the community with weekly field trips and a daily STEM challenge.

Parent feedback has been positive. One parent shared, “I’m so grateful for this programme and think it’s fantastic for our community.” Another noted, “My child was excited every morning to attend the three-week programme.”

Mr. Ruel Haughton, Site Coordinator at John Gray High School, highlighted the programme’s effectiveness: “The daily attendance and enthusiasm shown on the students’ faces have been a testament to its success. I am especially impressed with the level of progress shown when comparing the English diagnostic test against the final assessment.”

Although the programme has concluded, the DES encourages parents to continue supporting their children’s learning journey using resources available at This website provides recommended resources and summer learning activities for students in every year group of primary school.

The Summer School Catch-Up Programme exemplifies the DES’s commitment to providing high-quality educational programmes that empower all students to reach their full potential. It serves as a key intervention to support students in the upper Key Stage 2 years, leveraging technology, expert teaching, and practical activities to improve competence and confidence in core subject areas.

For more information, on this and other DES Programmes, please visit the Department of Education Services website at To learn more about Ministry of Education Programmes, please visit


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