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Cayman National Cultural Foundation is checking in on you…How can we help?

Checking In On You…

It sounds rather cliché now but what a year we’ve had so far. In a mere 6 months, we’ve had so many things thrown at us, and as a community we’ve been steadfast, but that doesn’t mean we’re not experiencing real stress and trauma. This may manifest as anxiety, feelings of displacement, sorrow, anger, hopelessness, listlessness and disassociation. 

Everyone will have their own cocktail of reactions to the fires, earthquakes, racial rifts at home and abroad and the COVID-19 pandemic with concomitant loss of income or other significant impacts on our daily lives. 

How we managed at the start of this testing year is likely to differ from how we are coping now, and that’s why we wanted to be in touch at this juncture.
Thinking About You…
CNCF’s doors have been closed to the public, but we are thinking of you. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed some of our social media programming, which we’ve intended as entertainment/distraction/education for a few moments each day. Please make use of the resources on our website for creative activities for children and families to engage in. 
We’ve also uploaded some of our theatrical productions to our YouTube channel, and encourage you to watch. There’s much to be enjoyed on Facebook and Instagram as well.
How Can We Help?
We’d like to do more and, while we as a non-profit must also carefully consider the way forward, we invite any of our performing or literary artists, who make their living primarily from their art, to be in touch, so that we can seek ways to assist. 
Musicians will have already had an opportunity to apply for Ministry of Culture support. If you’re a visual artist or artisan, perhaps you’ve been in contact with a different cultural entity. In any case, if you have missed out on other opportunities, you may still get in touch with the Cultural Foundation, and we’ll see if there’s something we can do to help.
Let’s Connect
To reach us, send an email to [email protected] and we’ll reply to you in a few days. Include your:
Contact number(s)
Artistic discipline(s)
Support of your claim to be a full-time artist
A brief description of how you have been affected professionally by COVID-19


Thanks for the part you’ve played in helping to hold things together in the Cayman Islands. Your courage and community-minded response has truly made everyone safer.


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