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Cayman: Premier Convenes Emergency Caucus Meeting on Hurricane Beryl Preparations

Grand Cayman, 30 June 2024: Today the Premier, Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly convened an emergency Caucus meeting to address preparations for the possible arrival of Hurricane Beryl. The meeting focused on coordinating efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of residents and visitors of the Cayman Islands in anticipation of the hurricane’s potential impact.

Key Points from the Meeting:

  1. Weather Forecasts and Updates: The latest updates from the National Weather Service were reviewed to understand the potential risks and impact areas.
  2. Emergency Response Plan: Strategies for emergency response and resource allocation were discussed to ensure readiness.
  3. Coordination with Local Agencies: Efforts to coordinate with local agencies and emergency services were emphasized to streamline response efforts.
  4. Public Communication Plan: A comprehensive communication plan was developed to provide timely advisories and instructions to the public.
  5. Additional Preparations: Other urgent matters related to hurricane preparedness were addressed to enhance overall readiness.

Premier O’Connor-Conolly emphasised the importance of prompt and decisive action to safeguard the community. All caucus members actively participated, bringing their concerns and recommendation to the planning and decision-making process.

For further information and updates on Hurricane Beryl and the ongoing preparations, follow all Cayman Islands Government channels. 


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