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Cayman: RCIPS Wrap Up Third Road Safety Campaign for 2024

The RCIPS closed off the third phase of Operation Clyro on Monday 14th October. Over the course of the 15-day operation, several different approaches were taken by police to encourage road safety and target poor driving behaviour.

• An increase in enforcement capability enabled the police to conduct regular and spontaneous vehicle check points across the islands, usually at peak times targeting certain offences such as distracted driving and use of mobile phone.

• DUI checks were done in the evenings and heavily on weekends when the likelihood of drink driving is at its highest;

• Speeding, and vehicle safety checks for roadworthiness were run during the days.

• Trucks and other heavy equipment were also targeted – specifically regarding unsafe loads, speeding and dangerous driving.

Key statistics from the two week campaign include:

• 156 motor vehicle collisions reported to the police,

• 18 persons arrested on suspicion of DUI

• 278 tickets issued for speeding and approximately 15 of those issued to heavy equipment vehicles exceeding the speed limits

• 34 tickets issued for persons using a mobile phone while operating a vehicle

• 422 tickets issued to drivers with unlicensed vehicles.

• 13 persons driving without being qualified

Additionally, a media campaign for road safety ran alongside enforcement efforts to bolster awareness and impact of the operation. The RCIPS partnered with Everythin345, a social media group that caters to a younger audience and pushed safety messages through their pages. Additionally, more traditional media such as Radio Cayman and Island FM allowed the police to discuss Operation Clyro and provide road safety tips. High Impact Media also supported messaging through digital roadside billboards and screen displays in strategic locations. Through this combination of media, the campaign reached a wide audience.

The RCIPS would like to thank everyone who supported police efforts during Operation Clyro, especially the members of the public who provided information on areas of concern. We would like to encourage all road users to continue to be safe on our roads and to drive with courtesy and act with integrity.


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