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Cayman: Residents encouraged to verify information before sharing

The Cayman Islands Government’s Cyber Security Office is encouraging residents to verify information they receive and not fall prey to sharing and spreading misinformation.

This reminder has come in light of sponsored social media posts being circulated with false information targeting government officials and the Cayman Islands. 

Representatives of the Cyber Security Office said that this type of misinformation poses reputational risks to the government and the Islands. “We all have a responsibility to avoid spreading disinformation, particularly on social media. This could be in the form of a false claim, reposting a manipulated photo or repeating a false quote.”

Members of the public are reminded of some questions to ask and steps to take before re-sharing information and images via social media. These include:

·         Stop and think. If any doubts, pause and check further.

·         Before you forward it on, check your source and each fact individually.

·         Could it be fake? Appearances can be deceptive.

·         Unsure whether it is true? Don’t share.

·         Beware of emotional posts and think about biases. Are you sharing because you know it is true or because you agree with it?

Information on government’s other cyber security tips can be viewed at


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