
iLocal News Archives

Cayman Stadium Shooting- Some Questions

From Peter Polack

Peter Polack

RCIPS Commissioner Kurt Walton

  1. Did the RCIPS issue any public warnings of gang conflict in the West Bay area prior to shooting.
  2. Did the RCIPS warn the public to exercise caution visiting the West bay area and gang hot spots.
  3. Was any RCIPS personnel on duty at the football stadium or armed patrol in the area at the time of the shooting.
  4. Does the RCIPS admit a failure to warn the public of gang conflicts and need for caution at events in West Bay.
  5. Does the RCIPS acknowledge that finding the stadium shooter and spending the CI$250,000 reward will not stop gang violence in the Cayman Islands.

Minister Andre Ebanks

  1. Was the Minister aware of any gang conflict in his constituency and did he issue any public warnings of gang conflict in the West Bay area to his electorate and the public prior to shooting.
  2. Was the Minister aware of and did he warn the public to exercise caution visiting the West bay area and gang hot spots.
  3. Did the Minister ask for any RCIPS personnel to be on duty at the football stadium or armed patrol in the area at the time of the shooting.
  4. Does the Minister acknowledge the RCIPS failure to warn the public of gang conflicts and need for caution at events in West Bay.
  5. Does the Minister acknowledge that finding the stadium shooter and spending the CI$250,000 reward will not stop gang violence in the Cayman Islands.
  6. Was the Minister aware of the information released about gang conflict and the shooter(s) prior to an interview by the Associated Press with the RCIPS Commissioner.
  7. Will the Minister disclose his intervention programs for at risk youth in his constituency.
  8. Will the Minister disclose his intervention programs for at risk re-offenders.
  9. Will the Minister disclose his economic and entrepreneurial programs for youth, at risk youth and at risk youth for re-offenders in his constituency.
  10. Will the Minister disclose the number of community officers and budget deployed by him for youth, at risk youth and at risk youth for re-offenders in his constituency.


When Peter Polack receives these answers to his questions we will publish them immediately.


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