Cayman: Statement to the Public Service by Acting Deputy Governor – 31 Oct 2024 on Ministerial Resignations

The following statement is issued to the Public Service by Acting Deputy Governor Dr. Dax Basdeo on the resignations by Cabinet Members.
As you are no doubt aware, it has been announced that four Members of Parliament – Deputy Premier Honourable André Ebanks, Minister of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency Honourable Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, Health Minister Honourable Sabrina Turner and Parliamentary Secretary Heather Bodden – have resigned from the Government effective today, 31 October 2024.
Discussions continue amongst the Premier Honourable Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and remaining Cabinet Members. As decisions are made, updates will be provided.
I encourage all public servants to avoid engaging in speculation that would impede our ability to continue our delivery of world-class service to the public. I urge you to uphold the Public Service Values and Code of Conduct, maintaining political neutrality and continuing our mission of supporting the government of the day.
I encourage all public servants to remain informed by tuning in to official channels.