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Cayman: Update on Meeting with Roy McTaggart from Wayne Panton

Earlier today, Premier Designate, G. Wayne Panton met with the leader of the Progressives, Roy McTaggart, to provide them an opportunity to have representation in the next government.
Unfortunately, the meeting only lasted 15 minutes as it is clear the Progressives have not yet accepted the results of the elections where 12 Independent Candidates were elected as opposed to 7 Progressive members.

The will of the people is that the next Government be led by Independents.

Premier Designate, G. Wayne Panton stated:

“My team have asked that we make the best efforts to have a government that is robust, reflective and inclusive of the broadest cross section of our community, including Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. It is on that basis that I approached the Progressives.

Unfortunately, it is clear they have not yet accepted the results of the elections and the will of the people and the meeting ended after 15 minutes.”

Premier Designate, G. Wayne Panton concluded:

“My team is busy meeting over the weekend finalising the composition of the Cabinet and expects to make an announcement on Monday.”


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