CAYMAN WILDLIFE SUFFERS: Due to Lack of Funding Cayman Wildlife Rescue Unable to Continue

After over 10 years of service Cayman Wildlife Rescue (CWR), a Programme of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, is unfortunately no longer able to accept injured wildlife into its care and effective Friday, 14 October, the hotline 917-BIRD (917-2473) will not be in service.

Mrs. Carla Reid, Chairman of the National Trust said that because of funding cuts, the programme is too expensive for the Trust to maintain alone. “The National Trust has limited funding and multiple responsibilities to historic and environmental conservation – without sponsorship from either local businesses or government we can no longer commit to fund the full cost of this programme.”

“Our volunteers raise funds to cover some of the costs but unless permanent funding is found we simply cannot continue,” said Lois Blumenthal, who was a founder of the all-volunteer program ten years ago. “Our volunteers are amazing and there has been great community support in many areas, but adequate funds have become a major stumbling block now with the ever increasing case load.”

The National Trust is seeking one or more corporate sponsors who may be interested in providing the annual funding required to maintain this worthy programme.  The programme provides a valuable service to the community, and the Trust hopes to be able to re-activate the hotline in the near future.

For more information or to become a sponsor of Cayman Wildlife Rescue please call 749-1129.













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