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Cayman Winners in MAP’s International Calendar

Arshiya Anuji (left) and Shrubbhavi Choudhary from Montessori-by-the-Sea-School receive their winners’ Certificates and Mangrove Action Project (MAP) Childrens’ International calendars at the Governor Gore Bird Sanctuary in Grand Cayman. Presenting the awards are Rangers Haileligh Farrington and Brandon Wint Executive Ranger Martin Keeley (centre).

Two young Caymanians who took part in the first Cayman Mangrove Festival art show were selected to feature in the 2T022 International Children’s Mangrove Art Calendar organized by the Mangrove Action Project (MAP).

Arshiya Anuji and Shrubbhavi Choudhary, both aged 7, from Montessori by the Sea school were selected from entries from all over the world sent to MAP for the 20th anniversary calendar. Their artwork, depicting Cayman’s mangroves and Grand Cayman’s various districts, was chosen for the month of December and is featured alongside student art from 12 other countries ranging from Bangladesh to Russia to Malaysia.

Arshiya Anuji (left) and Shrubbhavi Choudhary from Montessori- by-the-Sea-School and their winning artwork which appears in the Mangrove Action Project (MAP) Childrens’ International calendar together with that of students from twelve countries round the world.

The girls were very excited to learn that children all over the world were going to see their artwork. They had learned that mangroves provide storm and flood protection and how they fit into the marine ecosystem. They were also excited to see the Hickatees and Whistling Ducks at the Governor Gore Bird Sanctuary, where they were presented with copies of the calendars and participation certificates by the Cayman Islands Mangrove Rangers.

Arshiya Anuji (left) and Shrubbhavi Choudhary from Montessori- by-the-Sea-School with the Mangrove Action Project (MAP) Childrens’ International calendars featuring their artwork in the Month of December 2022. Their mothers are (left to right) Annapurna Choudhary and Shruti Pandey together with their Teacher Amrita Sinha (far right).

Mangrove Education Project (MEP) executive director Martin Keeley explained that this was a particularly special calendar to be featured in, as it marks the 20th year that the children’s international calendar has been published and distributed world-wide.

“I have been involved in the competition since I started working with MAP over 20 years ago,” Keeley said. “And this is the first time art from Cayman’s students has been included. We are proud to see Cayman’s youth recognized for their interest in the islands wetlands.”

Arshiya Anuji (left) and Shrubbhavi Choudhary from Montessori- by-the-Sea-School with their award-winning certificates from the Mangrove Action Project (MAP) Childrens’ International calendars together with Ranger executive Direct Martin Keeley and the original artwork used for the calendar’s month of December 2022.

Selecting the featured art was not an easy process, Keeley said, as there were so many wonderful submissions. The Rangers plan to publish one art piece from the arts festival every month of 2022.

IMAGES: Kayla Young.


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