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Cayman: Your recording + access to tomorrow at 11am

From Christine Ntim 

Thank you to everyone who joined the Personal Brand Management Accelerator Coaching Program

As mentioned, doors are now open to spend 5 weeks with me this September working on your personal brand. As we onboard new members to my coaching cohort, I’m doing a series of lives this week!

TUESDAY SESSION: Today I held a live session A Year in the Life of Managing an International Personal Brand! Recording access is here.

WEDNESDAY SESSION: Tomorrow, August 28th at 11am EST, I will go live for 15-30 minutes to discuss “Why Waiting Until You Have “insert your excuse” is a Big Mistake In Today’s Economy. During this live, I will share 7 things I regretted from waiting too long to manage my personal brand and ways that you can get started today to start seeing results! Register for access here. 

THURSDAY SESSION: The final live is the biggest and it will be on Thursday, August 29th at 11am EST, “How to Use Linkedin to Monetize Your Personal Brand with Live Webinars”. This is going to be a one of a kind training that I’ve never done before. From private DM to Linkedin group outreach, I am dropping the secrets that I usually keep private. Register for access here: (THIS SESSION WILL NOT BE LIVE STREAMED AND NO REPLAYS WILL BE SHARED). 

Doors are now open:

Personal Brand Management Accelerator Coaching Program

Over 5 weeks I will go live to workshop your biggest challenges when it comes to personal branding. From optimising your bio and social media pages, to building an email list, to get speaking engagements to selling digital products, to building an international brand and everything in between, Learn from someone who has built an international personal brand for over 14+ years!

Live Sessions start September 3rd. We go live Tuesdays 7:30pm EST and Saturdays 11:00am EST. 2x a week for 2 hours. Deadline to join is August 30th at 111:59pm EST. Reply back if you have questions.

By the end of the program, you will have an organized way of managing your personal brand EASILY in a way that brings CONSISTENT REVENUE and CAREER OPPORTUNITIES year round.

Go Here To Reserve your spot for the program now.


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