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CBC Online Payments for Single Declaration Imports Launching Soon

From CBC

For the past few years, the Cayman Islands Customs & Border Control Service (CBC) has embarked on streamlining its processes using technology to better serve its stakeholders while maximizing customer experience.

The CBC Online System known as COLS, will undergo the necessary testing stages, and beginning Monday, 6 November 2023, the facility to allow importers and traders to pay online for single declarations with a maximum payment of two thousand five hundred dollars (CI $2,500) will be launched.

Deputy Director of Imports Kevin Walton said “We are currently in the final testing stages of this new product and are confident that this offering is aligned with CBC’s strategic objective of streamlining and improving our business processes. The ability to pay duty online will offer our customers greater efficiency and more convenience in using our services.” Head of Finance Mrs. Camile Beckford-Johnson said, “While the maximum dollar amount for a single payment is limited to $2,500, the department continues to offer other payment methods for larger traders that are registered with us and have signed up for our bond facility. We will continue to facilitate trade and improve our offerings to the public; however, we are mindful of the significant bank charges associated with online payments as CBC is poised to collect over $300 million dollars in revenue this fiscal year”.

On 6 November, for some importers, the access to pay online will appear on your COLS account and a button called Make a Payment will appear on the View Declarations and View Historical Declarations screen. When this option becomes available, you can select a declaration that is in Awaiting Payment status and make a payment for that specific declaration. A payment receipt will be emailed to the email address provided when registered to have a COLS account. A release notice will then be available for viewing and printing within COLS. It is important to know that the release notice does not exempt the goods selected for a random inspection. For those declarations paid online, you must view and print the release notice in order to present same when uplifting your goods.

CBC is not responsible for printing release notices for declarations paid online.

Single declarations online payment is the first phase of this facility and will advance to multiple declarations payment in the next phase of CBC’s technology advancements. As we transition to our new banking service, the limit will also be revisited to better serve our stakeholders.

For further details please refer to the information posted on the COLS portal at and on the CBC website

CBC’s Call Center will be available during working hours Monday to Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM to assist traders and importers with any issues they may be experiencing. Additionally, an email for assistance can be sent to CBC Online Support at [email protected].


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