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CFP: 52nd Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH) “Caribbean Interconnections/ Global Reach”

The ACH welcomes this opportunity to work with local organizers the Société d’Histoire de la Guadeloupe and the Université des Antilles. The ACH will be hosting our 52nd Annual Conference
with the overall conference theme, “Caribbean Interconnections/ Global Reach”. We invite paper and panel proposals on aspects of the above theme and especially those that reflect on the interconnected
histories, historiographies and heritage of the pan-Caribbean and the wider world.

In addition to the overall theme of ‘Caribbean Interconnections/ Global Reach’ the 2020 ACH conference will also welcome papers on the following topics suggested by members after our last
• The Challenges in/of Caribbean History: Historiographies, Historical Constructions and Reception
• Eric Williams’ Capitalism and Slavery 75 Years Later
• The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade to the Caribbean
• The Emancipation Experience Across the Caribbean
• Caribbean Collaboration and Cooperation
• Migration and Movements in the Caribbean
• Venezuela and Caribbean Connections
• The Windrush in Historical Perspective
• The Fall of Empire, Brexit and the Caribbean The Reparations Debate in the 21st Century

While papers on the overall themes are encouraged, applicants are welcome to submit proposals on other subjects. For those proposing panels, please note that we seek linguistic and geographic diversity and representation. Applicants may also wish to consider that the ACH promotes diversity among panelists regarding institutional affiliation and academic experience. Preference is given to applicants who did not present at the previous conference, held in Curaçao in 2019.

Proposals must include:

  1. The appropriate cover sheet for either a paper or panel proposal;
  2. A 250-word abstract for each proposed presenter (Abstracts must indicate what new information
    or approach the work provides as well as the archival or oral sources consulted. Abstracts must be
    submitted in English, French and Spanish); and
  3. A brief CV (no more than 2 pages). Graduate students at an advanced stage in their research are
    welcome to submit proposals and must include a letter of support from their academic advisors
    attesting to the strength and progress of their research.
  4. Please see Application Instructions here:
    All documents should be combined into ONE (1) Microsoft Word document file (please do not submit as a PDF). The deadline for proposal submission is October 15, 2019. Submissions must be sent to: http:// [email protected]



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