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Chillin’ at Little Cayman AG show

Premier exhibitsPremier tourThe atmosphere at the third annual Little Cayman Agriculture Show matched perfectly with the island’s laid back character on Saturday, 23 March at the Museum Grounds in Blossom Village.

While preserving the character of a small town agriculture show and a place where backyard farmers and other exhibitors congregated to compete with their prized produces and arts and craft, the show was also a place where longtime residents took the opportunity to socialize and catch up with visitors from Cayman Brac and Grand Cayman.

Premier and Minister of Agriculture Hon Juliana O’Connor-Connolly praised the exhibitors and all those that attended.

“Today is a proud day for serious farmers and hobbyists on Little Cayman who are happy to share the best of their island with visitors and fellow Caymanians from Grand Cayman and the Brac. I am sure that old friendships will be renewed and new ones created and this is the perfect occasion to do so,” she stated.

The fair was officially opened by Dominica’s Speaker of the House Alix Boyd Knights, who also praised the farmers and those who submitted exhibits.  And she encouraged Little Cayman residents continue to the efforts in backyard farming.

Others that took part in the opening ceremony were Chairperson of Little Cayman Ag Show Deborah Truchan, Pastor Jim Barron, Little Cayman Education Services students, Ministry of Finance- District Administration, Works, Lands, Agriculture (Finance-DAWL&A) Chief Officer Alan Jones, District Commissioner Ernie Scott, Deputy Director of Agriculture Brian Crichlow, and the Little Cayman Baptist Church Choir.

Mr. Linton Tibbetts’ daughter Dawn Hooker also spoke and welcomed all to the show. She noted that the family was in the process of building a new museum,  one more suitable to house her father’s large collection of photographs, artifacts, took and family heirlooms

“To preserve the history and culture of Little Cayman and Mr. Tibbetts’ legacy, we are constructing a new museum to better display and protect his collection and continue the dream of sharing these stories with future generations” Mrs. Hooker said.

“My dad would be smiling today,” she added.

Besides the displays, there was a fantastic lineup of entertainment featuring Localz Band that even inspired a couple to dance throughout the day. There were food tents throughout the fairgrounds featuring stew turtle, fish and other local cuisine and traditional fare such as jerk chicken, hamburgers and hotdog, cotton candy and snow cones of all flavors.

The baking exhibitors also proved to be popular amongst fairgoers, who were able to sample the treats after the judging. The sweet treats tables were as simple as a banana breads and ginger cookies and as elaborate as cakes in all textures and shapes, including that of  a Little Cayman iguana, as  well as a special Caribbean Cake made from beets. There were also local favorites of coconut drops, peanut brittle and lots more.

Also among the displays was a vegetable bouquet, made up of all local produce and created by Pedro Rodriquez. The base was from pumpkin, the flowers from beets and carrots and bell peppers provided the garnish.

The coconut toss proved to be popular amongst adults and children.  Curtis Connor won the toss in the male adult category, followed by Wezleyann Pryce. For the children, the winner was Janae, followed by Anya Connor.

Organiser of the show Ms Truchan explained the significance of the toss. “Years ago Little Cayman supplied coconuts Peter Paul Company which makes Almond Joy candies until a blight wiped out all the trees. Mr. Linton Tibbetts made it his mission to replant the trees. So the coconut toss is really a tribute to him.”

Ms. Truchan thanked the Hon Premier, the Ministry and Department of Agriculture, the Tibbetts family, volunteers and attendees. “The Hon. Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly is like the gardener who planted the seed and watered and tended the plant. We are grateful for her support and attendance, along with the Ministry and its staff. Thanks too to the Tibbetts family for providing a perfect setting.

“It was a day of great purpose, a day of great results. Participation in arts and crafts, plants and produce was higher and attendees commented on the quality of the displays. It was a great community family fun-filled day with healthy competition,” she added.


Ag Show Winners

Best in Photography – Martha Steinhagin

Best Photograph in Show – Terrestrial Mike Valley

Exhibitor – Arts and Crafts 2nd place – Debbi Truchan

Champion exhibitor – Arts and Crafts – …Mirelda Messias

Special Caribbean Cake – Diane Fite

Best Display Booth at Show – Caribbean Marine Institute

Crop Farmer in Show 2nd place – Southern Cross Club

Champion Crop Farmer – in Show Carmen Clarke

Agriculture King: Pedro Rodriguez – Veg Bouquet – used local produce

Agriculture Queen Sherrie Hillman – Iguana Cake

Minister Special Award for Agriculture Spirit – Little Cayman Educational Services

Minister’s Special Award for Agriculture Spirit – Frank and Eulalee Bodden


Raffle Winners

$1000 winner,  Evol Miller

iPhone 5 from LIME,  Luis Matamovo





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