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Christine Ntim: All 5 Day Replays + July 22nd  Bonus Session- How to Build An International Brand

Do to the immense response from the series, we are providing a bonus live session on July 22nd at 11am EST: How to Build An International Brand and Get Paid to Speak, Travel, and Consult Global Companies. Register your interest here to access.

Christine Ntim

With that said, the replays of all 5  Personal Brand Live Launch sessions are available until Wednesday evenining on July 24, 2024. 

Session 1 How to Position Your Personal Brand to Attract the Big 3: Speaking Engagements, Brand Deals and Clients 

Learn how to understand the economic landscape today and stand out from your peers in a competitive market. Position yourself for opportunity and map out your plan for closing paid speaking engagements, major brand deals, and career offers of a lifetime with a unique “Value Positioning Statement”. 

Session 2 How to Optimize Your Social Media Profile to Attract, Build, and Scale Your Audience

Learn how to optimize your social media profile to attract leads that convert into paying customers and create a simple content calendar cycle that builds credibility quickly and easily with the help of free tools and systems. 

Session 3 How to Create Your First (Or Next) Digital Product That Sells On Repeat

Learn how to turn your lived experiences into a framed curriculum for others to learn from and sell it as a digital course, membership, or program; learn how to package and price your knowledge product offers. 

Session 4 How to Officially Live Launch Your Personal Brand Online and Start Closing Customers Within 24 hours or less!  

Learn how to build an entire countdown calendar to your live launch day that attracts potential clients who will buy from you on launch day and prepare your digital product for sales to start generating thousands quickly. 

Session 5 How to Turn Your Personal Brand Into A Legacy Empire That Provides Wealth, Flexibility, and Success  

Learn how to turn your personal brand into a sustainable business and create an entire product suite around your lived experiences that leads to multiple streams of income.   

Watch all the full session replays here – All Replay Sessions

The Personal Brand Live Launch community is where you will find the answers to, and are able to ask any questions that come up from watching or rewatching the replays – join here

PS- If you are ready to truly go from the tactical insights of this program to the implementation of these strategies then join me live for the live Personal Brand Accelerator ProgramRegistration closes in 7 days! 


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