CNN plans to fly drones over crowds to capture news from above
CNN will soon be the flying news network.
The company announced Wednesday that it had received a waiver form the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fly a drone over crowds of people.
The Part 107 waiver the company was granted means CNN will be able to fly a 1.37-pound Vantage Robotics Snap flying camera over crowds and at outdoor news events. This is a first-of-its kind approval for the cable news outlet, the company says.
CNN worked for more than two years with the robotics company to research and test the device’s deployment. Last year the FAA granted a waiver for CNN to fly a tethered drone for newsgathering purposes.
To get a sense of the type of coverage the device can capture, there’s a company overview of its capabilities in the San Francisco Bay on video.
The drone and approval could also be the start of more news coming from above. Look out.
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