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Coalition For Cayman says port debacle highlights the need for an honest government

UnknownGrand Cayman – April 9, 2013 Coalition for Cayman (C4C) today said the port deal is a prime example of why we need greater transparency by government.  The secret deal that was exposed this past week could end up costing the Cayman people US$3.5 million or more.

According to the Caymanian Compass, the framework agreement, which was developed behind closed doors, was signed by then-Premier McKeeva Bush, the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands Board Chairman and the general manager of China Harbour engineering Company, Jamaica – but the deal was signed without any formal approval from a majority of Cabinet members. The agreement allowed the China Harbour Engineering Company to build and manage a cruise ship berthing facility in the George Town port.

The full agreement was never put into effect since the United Kingdom government refused to approve the risky deal. However, according to the Caymanian Compass report, a clause in the agreement clearly states “that some cost recovery mechanism would be available to China Harbour Engineering Company in the event government or the Port Authority terminated the agreement.”

The secret harbor deal also guaranteed port fees, regardless of cruise ship berths, and it gave China Harbour

Engineering a guaranteed number of work permits for jobs that could have gone to Caymanians.

“It is clear that this secret deal was not made with the best interest of the Cayman people in mind,” said Coalition for Cayman.  “If this deal had gone through, Caymanians would have paid the price in fewer jobs, less opportunity, and the loss of critical revenues that could be used to improve schools and keep our communities safer,” C4C continued.

“The first step in restoring good government to the Cayman Islands is selecting good leaders who are committed to putting Country First. We believe this is best accomplished by electing independent-minded leaders this May whose only loyalty is to our people, and whose only motivation is to put Country First. Now is the time to send the clear message that the Cayman people demand honesty in government,” Coalition for Cayman added.

“We also recommend that the new government elected this May, in collaboration with UK leadership, consider revisions to the Constitution that limit the Premier’s authority, and changes that require elected leaders to be personally liable for any financial deals they make that do not follow due process,” Coalition for Cayman continued.

About Coalition for Cayman. Coalition for Cayman is an advocacy group that recognizes the people of the Cayman Islands are frustrated with party politics, government overspending, debt, crime and economic uncertainty. The Coalition for Cayman mission is to create a higher standard when it comes to who is leading our Country, and to restore a Country First mindset that puts the good of the Cayman people at the heart of every decision, and to be an ongoing advocate for smart, honest, Country First leadership, regardless of who holds office.


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