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Comedian Bob Biggerstaff at Go Bananas –“Got on a ship in Grand Cayman”

Bob_Biggerstaff_20130515104551_320_240By PF Wilson CityBeat

Bob Biggerstaff, international comedian of mystery. “Wednesday morning I was in Honduras,” he says via Skype from a hotel room in Montreal. “I performed on a cruise ship. Got on the ship in Grand Cayman.”

He confesses he had to look up the island’s location. “It’s right below Cuba. Got on the ship there, went to Cozumel, Galveston, then Honduras. Got on a plane there, flew to another place in Honduras and then to Montreal. That was a long day.”

And a long way from working in a Houston warehouse, which is where Biggerstaff once spent his days before starting to work at a comedy club. There he worked the door and eventually moved up to a management position. He started doing comedy full-time after that.

Today he tells jokes about his life, mixed in with some gags about sports.

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