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Cryptocurrencies: a new lifeline for organ traffickers?

From “Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United”

August 4th, 2024News Digest
Organ trafficking
Organ trafficking in the age of digital currency
Digital currencies are fueling a surge in organ trafficking by enabling traffickers to operate anonymously and globally, making it harder than ever to track and stop this illegal trade. Meanwhile, traffickers are exploiting social media to expand their reach, feeding a rising demand for organs. This chilling combination is driving an unprecedented wave of crime that thrives in the shadows. Read more…
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Human trafficking
How unsafe migration in Africa creates lucrative business for traffickers
European policies focusing on migrant return agreements with African states unintentionally facilitate trafficking by pushing migrants into illegal and dangerous channels. This increases the risk of exploitation and abuse, underscoring the urgent need for safe migration pathways to protect vulnerable individuals. Read more…
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Law & policy
Australia takes new step to combat migrant worker exploitation
The Australian government has unveiled a pilot program of visa reforms featuring the “workplace justice visa” which enables migrant workers to remain in Australia while addressing labor disputes with their employers. The new visa, which empowers migrants to confront abusive employers without risking their immigration status, is a positive first step towards protecting migrant workers from forced labor. Read more…
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United


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