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Cybersecurity Habits to Stay Cyber-Safe

IMAGE: unsplash

By Andre Oentoro

In today’s world, where we spend more and more time online, the risk of cyber threats is higher than ever before. It’s no surprise that cybercrime is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the world. 

Everyone can be a target to cybercriminals anywhere at any time, regardless of their level of technical expertise. But only the ones that are clueless and careless take their bait.

We can all agree that protecting your personal data or even online assets from them is getting more challenging as cybercriminals persistently look for new ways to expose security risks.

However, it’s not impossible. You can adopt good cybersecurity habits to stay safe and protect your online identity.

Always Skeptical about Clicking a Random Link

Clicking on a random link can be tempting, especially when it promises exciting content or an offer that seems too good to be true. However, it’s important to be skeptical and think twice before clicking on any unknown link.

It can be phishing, malware, viruses, or scams. Always verify the link’s legitimacy, and avoid clicking on any links from suspicious sources, unknown senders, or even a strange popup that looks like animated commercials. Cybercrimes often send those links via email outreach (as an attachment), text messages, pop-up notifications, etc.

You can use a URL scanner to verify the safety of a link. Some popular URL scanners include VirusTotal and Google Safe Browsing.

Go for Unique Passwords

We all have so many online accounts now that it’s become hard to keep track of all of the passwords we need for them. The easiest way is to use the same password for all of them. This is also the easiest way for those cybercriminals to take over all of those accounts.

For instance, if you use the same password for your email marketing and your bank account, a hacker can easily access your bank account by gaining access to your email.

Build the habit of always going for unique passwords for all accounts and consider changing/updating them in some period of time. You can use a password manager such as LastPass or RoboForm.

Use Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) 

MFA provides an extra layer of security beyond just a password, making it harder for attackers to access your accounts. 

By requiring a second factor, such as a biometric scan or a security token, MFA ensures that only authorized users can access your accounts. By activating MFA, you ensure that only you have access to your accounts.

Keep the Software and Apps You Use Updated

Outdated software and apps are a prime target for cybercriminals. Many hackers are aware that users may not update their software and apps regularly, and they create malware specifically to target outdated systems. 

When a software or app developer releases an update, it’s not just about adding new features or fixing bugs. These updates often contain critical security patches and vulnerability fixes that protect your devices from cyber threats.

Regularly Backup Critical Files

Hardware failures can happen at any time. Hard drives can fail, computers can crash, and devices can be lost or stolen. Also, ransomware and other types of malware can infect your system and encrypt your data, making it inaccessible. 

In some cases, cybercriminals may even threaten to delete your files unless you pay a ransom. Regular backups can help you recover your data in case of a ransomware attack or any other type of malware.

Stay Informed on Recent Cyber Attacks Methods

Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated. New techniques are being developed all the time, and attackers are constantly refining their methods to evade detection and gain access to sensitive data. 

Keep an eye on the latest cybersecurity news to see how they steal data nowadays and watch video technology for a solution to solve it. By staying updated on the latest cyberattack methods, you can be better prepared to defend against them and avoid falling victim to an attack. 

Bottom Line

It’s important to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to protect yourself, your data, and your devices from cyber attacks. Remember, a little effort to build a good habit can go a long way in keeping you cyber-safe.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

Twitter: @breadnbeyond

Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro


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