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Debt bondage, abuse, and zero accountability

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United 

October 20th, 2024News Digest
Debt bondage
India’s sugarcane fields: debt bondage, abuse, and zero accountability
A shocking investigation reveals the exploitation behind sugarcane production in Maharashtra, India, where debt bondage, child labor, and coerced hysterectomies taint beloved products like Coca-Cola and Pepsi. As powerful political figures profit from this system, the government’s failure to hold anyone accountable raises urgent questions about the true cost of our sweet treats. Read more…
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Child labor violations
U.S. at critical juncture as child labor violations continue to rise
As child labor violations surge in the U.S. amidst rollbacks of state protections, a new report warns that urgent reforms are needed to safeguard young workers from rising injuries and exploitation. Advocates call for stronger regulations, arguing that the current legislative direction puts children at risk and threatens to push them into modern slavery. Read more…
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Law & policy
Canadian Supreme Court case on sex work reignites debate on decriminalization
The upcoming Supreme Court case R v. Kloubakov is resurfacing a debate over Canada’s sex work laws. Advocates of decriminalization argue the current laws push the industry underground endangering already vulnerable workers. By dismissing these concerns, the court’s decision could exacerbate vulnerability, forcing workers into precarious situations where they face heightened risks of violence and trafficking.
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United


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