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DECCO statement re ERA announcement of cancellation of their bid

decco_brandmark_200On July 15th 2013 the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) announced the cancellation of the 36MW solicitation for additional generating capacity scheduled for a commissioning date of July, 2014 commenced by the RFP dated March 23, 2012.

This solicitation was won by DECCO, but had met some accusations from the sacked former Managing Director of the ERA, Joey Ebanks, that he had been asked to fix their bid in order for them to be awarded the contract.

This had resulted in the ERA saying they were going to execute an investigation.

The ERA in its cancellation statement said it was “a result of unavoidable and unforeseen delays, the timetable and various milestones provided for by the RFP cannot now be achieved. In the ERA’s view, the delays have had the regrettable result that it is left with no choice but to cancel the solicitation process.”

cuc-logoCaribbean Utilities Company (CUC), Grand Cayman’s power supplier, who also had bid on the solicitation said in a statement commenting on the cancellation that, “CUC remains committed to providing a reliable electricity service to Grand Cayman.    The need for additional firm generating capacity remains and in light of the ERA’s decision to cancel the solicitation, we will explore all cost effective options with the ERA, including temporary generation solutions, to meet reserve margin requirements for the summer of 2014 and until those firm capacity needs can be met.”

The ERA said, “It is envisaged that the Authority will be in a position to issue a new RFP document inviting proposals for firm power generating capacity for Grand Cayman in the near future.

“The ERA wishes to assure the public that it, working together with CUC, will ensure that all necessary steps are taken to prevent any alteration to the provision of electricity to the islands.”

The reason for the solicitation is because of “the upcoming retirements of some of Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC) generating units and a further 18 MW for as late as 2017, with the timing dependent on growth in demand for electricity based on a Certificate of Need submitted by CUC in November 2011.”

DECCO’s response in their statement said they were aware of the ERA decision:

““Further to the ERA press release, announcing its decision to cancel the 36mw solicitation for additional generating capacity scheduled for a commissioning date of July, 2014; DECCO confirmed it was aware of, and has no objection to, the ERA’s decision.”


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