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DEI is Dying: What is Our Response?

Black Dollars Matter—Let’s Get Ready to Rumble

Vantage Point Vignette
Comments and Commentary by Dr. Ron Daniels

White supremacist-tinged White folks don’t like Diversity Equity and Inclusion. They see it as a watered-down substitute for affirmative action that “discriminates” against White folks as opposed to a remedy for racial discrimination against Black folks. So, grievance-laden White folks are using white dollars, White consumer buying power as a weapon in the white nationalist infused MAGA Movement of Donald J. Trump.

Watching a segment of Victor Blackwell’s First of All on CNN Weekend News, I learned that a single highly skilled, MAGA backed White boy named Robby Starbuck is single-handily utilizing the power of social media to intimidate and terrorize major corporations like Walmart into abandoning the DEI programs that several major corporations sanctimoniously adopted in response to the massive public outcry after the public lynching of George Floyd. Remember how so many Americans were outraged that even large numbers of White people joined the protests led by Black Lives Matter, many of whom also posted Black Lives Matter signs on their lawns and in their windows.

Why are corporate giants like Walmart frightened and trembling in the face of a single White boy? Because Robby Starbuck is threatening to rally “aggrieved” White folks to stop patronizing, stop shopping at corporations that have DEI programs. And corporations like Walmart are buckling under the pressure.

In other words, the Walmarts of America are more fearful of White buying power than they are of Black buying power. Corporate America fears white power more than they fear black power. Corporations like Walmart don’t believe that Black folks can overcome “consumer consumption disorder disease” to mobilize, organize to use Black dollars to punish them for reneging on their commitment to DEI.

This is an outrageous insult to people of African descent, Black people. But corporate America does not care about our outrage. And corporate America will not care until Black folks muster the resolve to demonstrate that Black Dollars Matter more than the grievances of White folks using a single White boy, Robby Starbuck, to protect white privilege and white nationalist interests. Black folks must cultivate the consciousness and commitment to use black dollarsblack power to bring a corporation to its knees for violating our interests and aspirations. It’s time for an all-out Black cultural, political offensive utilizing black dollars as a weapon in the Black Freedom Struggle. Let’s get ready to rumble! #BlackDollarsMatter #BlackDollarsBlackPower   


Dr. Ron Daniels is President of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century, Founder of the Haiti Support Project and Distinguished Lecturer Emeritus, York College City University of New York. His articles and essays appear on the IBW website His weekly radio show Vantage Point can be heard Mondays 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST, USA on WBAI, 99.5 FM, Pacifica in New York, streaming live via To send a message, arrange media interviews or speaking engagements, Dr. Daniels can be reached via email at 

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